Sailor Chibi Corellia

Senshi of Magic and Rainbows

Name: Nijihoshi Kusabana Chirudo (Niji-chan or Niji-hana)
Meaning: "rainbow star flower child"
Age: 5
Birthdate: June 13, 2030
Star sign: gemini
Birthplace: Coruscant
Height: 4'3"
Hair: pearlescent; heart odango with little curly-q's sticking out the sides
Eyes: medium-dark blue
Skin tone: fair, with little blue freckles from the Omwati genes
Favorite colors: the whole rainbow, but her favorites are pink and blue
Favorite gemstones: opal, diamond
Favorite foods: chocolate, Hapan pastries, anything sweet
Least favorite foods: anything her mother cooks, greens
Favorite school subject: is in kindergarten; likes to color
Least favorite school subject: doesn't like math
Loves: sunny days, watching rainbows, bugging the "older" senshi
Hates: storms, cloudy no-sunshine days
Hobbies: learning the basics of ship repair from Sutaru; following older senshi around
Best qualities: her charm, her kawaii-ness
Worst quality: she has a fairly short temper (never touch her hair!)
Dreams: to be like her mother, to be a Sailor Jedi Knight
Word to describe her: color
Rainbow Light Blinding Sparkle! She yells, "Rainbow Light," and a little rainbow goes from one hand to the other. She yells, "Blinding," and brings her arms up over her head. Finally,she yells, "Sparkle," and drops her hands toward the enemy, blinding them.
Magical Rainbow Staff Heal! She holds her staff in front of her and spins if a few times. She whispers the name of the move and does a "Card-Captor Sakura", bringing her staff down to point at the person she wants to heal.
Opal Tiara, Show the Way! is a guidance move. A beam of light goes from her tiara, showing lost senshi the way back to the others.

Niji-chan is Sailor Corellia's and Raven's daughter in the distant future. She is more powerful than she looks, and this usually flares up if someone makes her mad. When Sutaru travels back to the future, she takes family-less Raven with her. Nijihoshi has a twin brother, Tsuin.

Sailor Chibi Corellia

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Read more about Nijihoshi/Sailor Chibi Corellia:

The Story of the Rainbow Child

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