Sailor Kessel

Senshi of Silence and All Things That Glitter

Name: Pikapika Koumi
Meaning: Koumi - spice; Pikapika - glitter
Planet: Kessel
Age: 14
Birthdate: December 21
Star sign: Saggitarius
Birthplace: unknown
Height: 5'3"
Hair: black; down to stomach
Eye color: deep, penetrating blue
Skin tone: light
Favorite colors: bright blue, black
Favorite gemstone: crystal
Least favorite food: lasagne
Favorite school subject: art, painting
Least favorite school subject: social studies
Loves: reading minds; fighting; action
Hates: sitting still
Hobbies: mind reading; racing
Best qualities: can read minds; also has a cool staff
Worst quality: picks fights
Dream: to have a purpose in life
Word to describe her: future
Powers: Kessel Spice Surround, Energy Spiders Attack

Koumi rarely speaks; instead, she communicates through the Force, sometimes mouthing to the words she "says."

Sailor Kessel

View more images of Sailor Kessel/Pikapika Koumi

Non-transforming characters connected with Koumi/Sailor Kessel:

Kirran, Koumi's boyfriend
Akarui, Koumi's childhood friend

Read more about Koumi/Sailor Kessel:

Diamond in the Rough
Black Fire Legendmaker
Jedi Lessons
The Dark Siders Chronicles, Parts 21 and 22
The Dark Siders Chronicles, Parts 23 and 24

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