Sailor Ryloth

Name: Oola Tarkona
Meaning: Oola - "divine"; Tarkona - "dancer"
Age: 18
Birthdate: November 12
Star sign: Scorpio
Birthplace: Kala'uun, Ryloth
Height: 5'5"
Hair: none - lekkus (tentacle thingies) are scarlet
Eyes: powder blue
Skin tone: golden
Favorite color: silver
Favorite gemstone: platinum
Favorite food: veal
Least favorite food: liver
Loves: partying; playing tennis; fighting
Hates: people who don't like her appearace; Hutts
Hobbies: training; tennis; hunting rycrits (cow-like animals indigenous to Ryloth); dancing
Best quality: is almost always the last one standing
Worst quality: feels alone
Dreams: to find a boyfriend; to rid the universe of all Hutts
Word: energy
Crescent Headpiece Slash! She positions her head up. The center of her headpiece glows and detaches and charges at the enemy, slashing them. It then returns to where it was.
Ryloth Planetary Kick! Oola jumps in the air, where times stops. Her leg charges with energy, time restarts, and she kicks through the enemy.
Powers of the Dead Bring Us Life, Isis! Oola's guardian (a gift from her father) revives anyone who died.
Crema Tunea Jot! Oola becomes invisible.

Oola was a daughter of a Twi'lek clan chief on her home planet, Ryloth. She was always a great dancer, winning dozens of admirers among her people with every performance. One day she was abducted by Bib Fortuna, who took her to the greatest dance school in six worlds to perfect her form. After four months, Fortuna took her to Tatooine to meet her new master, Jabba the Hutt. Before arriving at Jabba's palace, Oola met Luke Skywalker who tried to rescue her, but she gave up her chance at freedom to save her friend, Sienn. After a near-death experience in Jabba the Hutt's palace, she vowed to turn her life over to a life of crime-fighting to destroy all the Hutts of the universe.

Her skin changes color once every year, and with a new color comes a new power/weapon. Right now her skin is golden; previously, it was turquoise and scarlet. Her weapon of choice is a lightsaber.

Sailor Ryloth

View more images of Sailor Ryloth/Oola Tarkona

Read more about Oola/Sailor Ryloth:

The Elusive Sith, Part III
The Mirror Has Two Faces
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

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