Familiar Stranger

By Lys Khyaji Kenobi

"Get back here!" a pink- and purple-colored fuku claded girl cried out as the person ran. "Why doesn't anyone listen to me?" She ran after her opponent, a lacky of the Sailor Sith. The girl thought that stopping the lacky would be easy, just like the others he was with, but like most of her thoughts on such a thing, she was wrong.

She stopped running, her booted feet sliding some on the gravel. Gloved hands reach up in front of her, towards the lacky. "Plant Wall Encircle!" With her yell, a tall circle of plant life grew up from the concrete ground around the being, causing him to stop.

Jumping to stand on top of the wall, the girl could see the panicked look on his face. It was just then that she realized that he was young, almost her age of sixteen. His teal eyes looked up at her; in them, she could see his panic was just a falsity, that it was just something to mislead her, to stall her long enough to find a way out. She would not let it.

"I am Sailor Bakura! And in the name of strength and friendship-"

The lacky pulled out a small grey object, a computer of some sort. "I already heard this before, and I ain't going to hear it again!" He began to push buttons, and a smug look appeared on his face. "I'm getting out of here!"

Bakura jumped from the wall, hoping to tackle him. "Oh no you're not!" She hit the person, sending him flying back, the object dropping out of his hands. Before they hit the ground, the computer-like object did, and the buttons all pressed down at the same time. Bakura and the lacky hit the ground. He quickly pushed her off and stood up, running away as fast as possible.

Sitting up, Bakura looked around, picking up the computer-like thing. It was busted, smashed open completely. She looked around again. Everything looked newer than it did a moment ago. Her eyes stopped on a building in the process of being built. Wait a sec... that was up since the day I was born. What's going on here?

Not only were the buildings different, but Bakura could tell that the planet's power it shared with her was no longer as strong as it used to be, as if it were being shared with somone else. This confused Bakura to no ends. She didn't remember there being a Chibi to Bakura. "What have you gotten yourself into this time?"

Annika was busy talking to Obi-Wan as they walked throught the city of Salis D'aar. She liked being home again, even if it was for only for a week; it was great to be home. Also, it gave her some time before Master Yoda could talk to her about finishing off his candy supply again. Well, it's his fault for not learning that I found most of his hiding places, she thought to herself.

Obi-Wan looked at her. "So Annika, how is your family?" His calm voice broke her thoughts on what hiding place would be next, most likely the cabinet again, just on a higher shelf.

"Oh, they're just fine. Wondered if I was alright, the usual stuff." She looked up at him, noticing his brows knit in a look of questioning. Annika followed his gaze to a girl in her teens, wearing a white long-sleeved shirt that exposed her stomach, with a olive green vest, just as short and the shirt. She had on matching wide-leg cargo pants which were not tucked into her boots like most people's. Her hair was short, in a boyish cut, with purple and metallic blue streaks. There was something about her that was so very familar. "What's the matter, Obi-Wan?" Annika looked back at him.

"There's something about that girl that's so... familiar. Like I've met her before," he said. "I'll be right back." He began to walk over to the girl, Annika quickly following. She wanted to know what it was that made her familiar. "Excuse me, miss..." Obi-Wan tapped on the girl's shoulder. She turned around, looking at both Obi-Wan and Annika.

"Yes?" The girl asked. Annika noticed that the girl's blue eyes looked a lot like Obi-Wan's. No wonder she looked familiar.

"What's your name?"

The girl looked at him quizzically. "I'm Lys, why did you want to know?"

Who were these people, was all that went through Lys's mind. She did not care to be asked questions while she was trying to figure out what had happened. Okay... so I hit the ground, here I am... some time before today, then, the future... ack!

"Who are you?" She gave them her name; it was kind courtesy for them to tell theirs.

The woman spoke up. Her pink and white hair fascinated Lys; it was weird but normal all in one. "I'm Annika Nesicha; this is Obi-Wan Kenobi." She motioned to the man who had asked for her name.

Oh my... these people can't be who they say they are... Lys looked at them strangely. This couldn't be real, this had to be a dream. That's right, it was a dream, any moment she would wake up in a few moments, the alarm clock would be ringing, ending the three hour sleep mode she put it on at eight. "You're... who?"

"I am Obi-Wan, and this is Annika."

"I thought you said that." Lys continued to look at them. They probably thought she was strange, reacting to their names like she did. She couldn't help it. This is a dream, this is a dream, keep repeating this is a dream, the little voice inside of her said over and over again. She just told it to shut up. It's really them, it's really my parents. I can't believe it. She wanted so much to reach out and hug them both, hug them tighter than she's hugged anyone before, but she didn't. Lys would have to explain herself. Oh yeah, hi! I'm your daughter from the future. Don't know how I got here, don't know how I'm going back. Oh did I mention I haven't seen ya in a while? Haven't even meet you, Dad. That wasn't the best way to introduce yourself as a relation.

Annika found that there was something strange going on with the girl, her silence adding to the fact. "Excuse us for a moment, Lys." She pulled Obi-Wan a few feet away from the girl, so she could not hear them. "There's something strange with her. Did you see the way she reacted to our names? It's like she'd never expected to run into us."

"What are you saying?"

"Do you think she's...." Annika began to ask.

"A Sailor Sith?" Obi-Wan shook his head no. "She doesn't feel like one. Lys is probably just someone who is lost."

"But do you think that reaction was a tad strange?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Since you are known around here," Obi-Wan said as he began to walk back over to Lys. "Sorry about that. I was wondering if you wanted to walk around with us?"

"Uh, sure. I guess I could."

Geri looked through the crowd, in an unusually sane mood. She was trying to get one thing right this month so she wouldn't be in that much trouble when she messed up the rest of the time.

Her gaze stopped on the sickenly familiar hairstyle of that Bakurian brat. This was her chance. She could do something right for once. Though her overexcited chase after her intended victim was cut short, a hand on her left arm caused Geri to stop.

Turning to face whoever did the unthinkable thing of stopping the not-all-there Sith, Geri's face formed a look of disgust. "Let go!" she yelled, not really caring who this person was or why they stopped her. All she cared about right now was not losing site of the odango-headed one.

Not letting go, the person produced a piece of paper from one of his pockets. Handing it over to Geri, he let go of her arm, and stood there, waiting.

Geri looked at the paper and read what was written on it with annoyance. "Yada yada... stop... yada yada... blah blah blah." Throwing the paper over her shoulder after she was done, Geri grabbed the one who stopped her only a moment ago and dragged him off with her.

It had been no more than one standard hour since Obi-Wan and Annika had met Lys, but they still hadn't learned a thing about her. She had remained to herself, looking at the ground or at the buildings around them, every once and a while Lys would glance over at the two of them, but not for long.

Thinking it was best to end the silence, Obi-Wan decided to ask the girl some questions. Maybe all this Lys needed was someone to get a conversation started. "Do you mind if I ask what your last name is?" he asked.

Lys remained silent for a moment, apparently going over something in her head. "...Khyaji," she replied, looking down at the ground. Obi-Wan smiled slightly to himself; at least she was talking now.

"Are you from around here at all?"

"Both yes and no," Lys said. Well it was true, wasn't it? She was from Salis D'aar, but not from an era when a Jedi of any standing, a padawan, knight, or master, could walk around without the ever-present risk of being found out and being punished in the name of some overpowering dictator, but the time of when such a dictator was gaining more and more support and power over the Inner and some Outer systems.

By now Annika, was paying attention to the small conversation being held and had a question of her own. "Have any family?"

Lys ignored the question, which annoyed Annika. She could have at least said something about not wanting to talk about it. Annika did not think she could stand such things when she ever became a mother.

Silence over took the conversation again, each silent for his or her own reasons. Annika was silent out of annoyance, Lys out of a forced lack of interest, and Obi-Wan because no one else was speaking.

Obi-Wan stopped his walking, sensing something was wrong. Annika and Lys had also stopped, Annika figuring something was up and Lys darting her blue eyes from here and there, trying to see what was going on.

But it was too late. A moment later, they were hit by what seemed to be two large unseen walls. The three of them fell to the ground in three different heaps. Maniacal laughter was heard afterwards, and a familiar figure was seen.

"Hello, my adoring enemies. How have you been? Poor I hope." Iyagaru grinned. She looked down at the three of them, who were starting to compose themselves. "Three birds, one stone. I just love proverbs today! Don't you? Well I guess you don't, being the proverb yourselves. Have you heard the one about the grass being greener on the other side? Well that's cause the grass is dead, like you're soon going to be."

Preparing to finish off the task and go back to the others victorious, Iyagaru noticed someone was missing. "Wait a second... one... seventy-six... two. Hey! There are only two of you! Where did the other one go?" She stamped her foot on the ground. "Why doesn't anything go right on my one 'good' day?!"

She was right, Annika admitted - Lys was gone. Oh that Lys! Probably with the Sith! But then was Iyagaru upset she was not around? This was just too weird. As Iyagaru searched nearby for the last victim, Annika used the time to transform while no onlookers were around.

"Oh there you... who the Jedi are you?"

Iyagaru was not happy, two Jedi and that Kagai kid waiting where she told him to stay; things were not looking good (like they did at all). Once again, with more annoyance in her voice, asked, "Who the Jedi are you?"

Crossing her arms in front of herself, the girl answered. "Sailor Bakura, and I am not gonna let you hurt anyone on my homeworld."

"WHAT?!" the other Bakura yelled. "But I'm Sailor Bakura! Obi-wan," she looked at him, "tell this... this... fake the truth."

Obi-wan looked from one to the other. "Maybe she's a Chibi?" he asked, hopefully calming them down a bit.

"I'm no Chibi!"

"I have no Chibi!"

To be continued...

About the Senshi in this story:

Annika/Sailor Bakura
Lys/Sailor Chibi Bakura
Geri/Sailor Sith Iyagaru

