Sailor Dagobah

Senshi of Electric Life Energy and Delicate Ecosystems

Name: Numako
Meaning: "swamp child"
Planet: Dagobah
Age: 18
Birthplace: unknown (she may have been part of a cloning experiment)
Height: 5'1"
Hair: moss green; very long, tied in two straight, long ponytails
Eyes: dark brown
Skin tone: light green
Favorite colors: gold, purple, green, brown
Favorite gemstone: hiddonite (green-brown, the color of hazel eyes)
Favorite foods: tomato soup, pasta, asparagus
Least favorite foods: liver, onions
Favorite school subjects: math and science
Least favorite school subject: social studies
Loves: making people laugh; talking fast; taking risks; getting attention; being the best and rubbing it in people's faces; doing math, being an over-all clever technical whiz
Hates: people who don't humor her
Hobbies: playing with robotics, lasers, computers, etc.
Best qualities: a smooth, fast talker; trollish sense of humor; clever and inventive; extremely smart (a math genius in fact) but not terribly wise
Worst qualities: speaks before thinking; acts brashly; likes to show off and do weird things at odd moments just to get attention
Dream: to find out who her parents are
Word to describe her: revolution
Powers: Swamp Slime Encircle, Yoda Levitation Attack

Sailor Dagobah

View more images of Sailor Dagobah/Numako

Read more about Numa-chan/Sailor Dagobah:

The Official Story So Far
Brain Storming

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