Sailor Myrkr

Senshi of Joy and Faithfulness

"I am Pretty Soldier Sailor Myrkr, Senshi of Joy and Faithfulness, Servant of Myrkr's True King. And in his name, and for Myrkr, I will punish you!"

Name: Chikako
Meaning: "girl of a thousand flowers
Age: 20
Birthdate: April 9
Star sign: Aries
Birthplace: Myrkr
Height: 5'5"
Hair: brown; short, flips up at the ends
Eyes: blue
Skin tone: fair
Flower: purple alyssum
Favorite color: pink
Favorite food: ice cream!
Least favorite food: anything too greasy
Favorite school subject: languages
Least favorite school subject: math
Loves: flowers; the senshi and her other friends; all sorts of little things
Hates: injustice
Hobbies: traveling; reading; enjoying the other senshi; learning how to be a Jedi; gardening; stealing Nom's cookies
Best qualities: faithful to friends; keeps promises; usually lighthearted; a good listener and comforter to her friends; makes people feel comfortable
Worst qualities: has a tendency to 'borrow' stuff; is grouchy in the morning; sometimes loses perspective and gets priorities mixed up
Dreams: for everything to turn out right, and for all her friends to be happy; to enjoy life and to do things that make a difference
Word to describe her: light
Myrkr Power Make Up! Chikako's first henshin phrase; when she holds up her flower petal and says this, she turns into Sailor Myrkr.
Myrkr Force Shield! Creates a force field with a Force-vacuum inside, so that no one within can use the Force. Unfortunately, it stops the good guys from using the Force, too.
A Thousand Flower Spiral! A barrage of flower petals hits whoever this attack is aimed at. Against powerful enemies, it's not particulary effective, but it does have its uses.
Super Myrkr Heart Power! Chikako uses her new henshin locket and transforms into Super Sailor Myrkr.
Vornskr Teeth Attack! Super Sailor Myrkr sends sharp teeth after the enemy; they use the Force to follow and defeat them.
Metallic Invisibility! Super Sailor Myrkr becomes invisible when she says this (though not to the Force). She can also make anyone she chooses invisble by saying these words and kissing them.
Ysalamiri Force Bubbles/Ysalamiri Bubble Blast! Similar to Myrkr Force Shield, but more specific. Forceless bubbles are shot in the direction of the villain, capable of nuetralizing their attack if it uses power from the Force.
Myrkr Jedi Revolution! Super Sailor Myrkr points her lightsaber to the sky and says the words. Shimmering purple mist fills the area, then Myrkr swings her lightsaber in a wide circle, creating a silver ring in the air. She then points her saber at the enemy, and the ring surrounds him. The ring and all of the purple mist condense and pour into him. A type of purification attack, though sometimes more lethal, depending on the response of the victim. This attack has a different effect on everyone, and the senshi are still learning about what exactly it does and how they can best put it to use.

When she becomes Super Sailor Myrkr on her twentieth birthday, Chikako's first personal quest is to find all seven petals belonging to her silver locket. With each petal, she receives a new power - except for the fifth petal. This one brought her future daughter, Aiko, to the past. Chikako isn't particularly happy about having a future-daughter around, which rather confuses Aiko. She in turn takes particularly to Yuki, Annika, Kirana, and Chouko (among the older senshi) in response to her mother's awkward and distanced behavior. Through the finding of other flower petals, Chikako meets two other future children: twins Shinnen and Mikomi who deliver a short message and the name of her new attack before returning to the future.

Chikako supplements her power as a Senshi by training as a Jedi with Koumi (Sailor Kessel). She has a purple lightsaber she bought from a junk dealer, which just so happened to be her own from her childhood in the ancient Kingdom of Myrkr, a birthday present from the Prince of Myrkr when she turned four.

The same Prince turns up in Chikako's life once again around her twentieth birthday, though it takes Chikako (who is a bit distracted with things like Xanthus) a long time to realize his true identity. Meanwhile, they spend most of their time arguing, just like when they were kids. The Prince's romantic hopes are set back even further, however, when Chikako, after a few traumatic events including the end of her relationship with Xanthus, makes a committment not to let guys get in the way of her responsibilities as a Sailor Jedi.

Sailor Myrkr

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Non-transforming characters connected with Chikako/Sailor Myrkr:

Justen, Chikako's birth father
Kamaria, Chikako's younger sister
Leilani, Chikako's 'adoptive' mother
Maiko, Chikako's best friend
Nuri, Chikako's guardian being
Nyssa, Chikako's birth mother
Xanthus, Chikako's (sorta-)boyfriend
Yuria, Chikako's 'adoptive' father

Read more about Chikako/Sailor Myrkr:

Chikako: The First Daydream
Chikako: More Than A Smuggler's Daughter
The Shoe Problem
Letters to the Senshi From an Unnamed Planet
Jedi Lessons
Coming of Age
The Realization of Plan B
The Children of the Prophecy
Interlude: Destined for Joy
The Greatest of These
Suffer My Proposal
Enigma and Exposition
Though the Fig Trees Have No Blossoms

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