The Shoe Problem

By Chikako/Sailor Myrkr

Chikako, Ippin, and Nom were sitting on the front porch of an inn in Theed, eating popsicles and talking about fishing, though nobody could remember how they had gotten on that topic. It was a hot day, but not too humid, and the first day of an annual festival. The streets were starting to fill with children and refreshment stands. Most of the other Sailor Jedi had decided to scope out the festival, but a few were inside napping, playing cards, or just chatting.

A small boy with a mass of black curls ran by screaming happily and Chikako giggled. She was about to comment when Ippin's communicator beeped. "What is it?" she asked.

"We've got a little problem," Priire sighed through the communicator. "We're about three blocks east of the inn."

"We'll be right there," Ippin promised, and put her communicator away. "Let's not bother the others," she said to Nom and Chikako. "It doesn't feel like too big of a problem." Nom nodded in agreement and followed the pretty redhead over a fence. Chikako was close behind. "Yavin Power Make-UP! Just in case," Ippin called over her shoulder.

Nom transformed next, and Chikako did likewise. The first two Sailor Jedi rounded a corner and flew over a low wall covered in grayish-green vines and dark red flowers. Chikako - Sailor Myrkr now - was about to follow when a skinny fifteen year old on a small speeder bike cut her off.

"Excuse me," she said to him. "I don't want to lose my friends in the crowd."

He rolled his eyes. "I know who you are!"

"What do you mean?" Aside from the trade federation conflict last year, Naboo was small, unimportant, and out of the way. Only the people who followed a good amount of off-world news would recognize a Senshi.

"You're a Sailor Jedi," he announced. Apparently, this boy did follow off-world news. Chikako didn't quite know how to respond, so she just shrugged and giggled a little.

"Can I go now?" she asked, trying to get around him.

"No!" He pulled out a small knife. "I need something first."

"Do you realize that I could obliterate you in a matter of seconds?"

"My friends are never going to believe I met a Sailor Jedi if I don't get proof," the kid said, trying to seem tough and whining at the same time

. "Oh well!" Sailor Myrkr said, trying to go around him again. He put the knife to her face. The boy was no match for her, of course, but he was running on pure teenage invincibility.

He glanced her up and down quickly. This was his first mugging. "Give me your shoes," he said.

"My shoes."

"Yes!" he jabbed her lightly with the knife.

"You have no idea how fortunate you are that you stopped me and not Sailor Dathomir," she told him as she unbuckled her shoes. As soon as she got them off, he grabbed them and sped away on his bike.


"Where is Sailor Myrkr?" Sailor Dathomir asked, realizing their companion was no longer behind her.

"Hm?" Sailor Yavin stopped short and looked over the crowd behind them. Sailor Myrkr was no where to be seen. She reached out with the Force. "She's back by that wall."

Sailor Dathomir reached out, too. "She is not hurt."


"You go on," Dathomir said. "I will go see what is happening."


They parted ways, and Sailor Dathomir met Myrkr a few moments later. "What happened?" she asked.

"Oh, just a - ouch!"

"Are you okay?"

"Yep, I just stepped on a rock."

"Ah. Well - Sailor Myrkr! Where are your shoes?!" Sailor Dathomir cried, noticing her friend's bare feet.

"A boy took them."

"You can not fight with no shoes."

"Sure I ca- ouch!"

"Follow me!" Sailor Dathomir said, running in the direction of the inn.

"Where are you going? What about the others?"

"This will only take a minute," Dathomir promised. "Come on!"


When Sailor Myrkr and Sailor Dathomir finally caught up with Sailor Yavin, she was standing next to a slightly embarrassed Priire outside a small shop. "I don't even know what she's trying to buy, but I'm not going to involve myself this time," she was telling her sister.

"Hey, what's going on?" Sailor Myrkr asked. "Aren't we going to right wrongs and triumph over evil?"

"If it were only that," Priire sighed. "Annika-" she began, and then stopped when she noticed Sailor Myrkr's shoes. "Where did THOSE come from??!"

Myrkr looked down at the glittering, purple platform boots she was wearing and blushed a little. "They're Nom's," she said.

Priire and Sailor Yavin both turned and stared at Sailor Dathomir. "Those are YOURS?" Yavin asked incredulously.

"I have armor they match perfectly," Sailor Dathomir answered casually.

"Uh-huh," Priire giggled.

"Now what about Annika?" Myrkr asked.

The twins motioned to the small shop. "See for yourself." The two Senshi went inside.

"But it worked yesterdaaaayyyyy!" a red faced Princess Annika squealed.

"I'm sorry - "

"Sorry's not good enough! Do something! It worked yesterday!" she repeated, not letting the clerk get in a full sentence.

"If you would - "

"The sign right here says that you take the Platinum Galaxy Card. And I know my card is good," she insisted, her eyes beginning to fill up with tears. "There is no reason why it wouldn't work!!"

"Well maybe - "

"I NEED IT TO WORK!!!" Annika sobbed.

"Well I'm trying to make it work - "

"I NEED IT TO!" she repeated, ignoring the clerk and growing increasingly unintelligible.

"Annika!" Sailor Dathomir said loudly. The princess turned her teary eyes to the two Senshi.

"My credit card won't work!" she whimpered.

"What purchase is so important?" Dathomir asked

. Annika went to point at the shopping bag on the counter when she noticed the boots Sailor Myrkr was wearing. She gasped and immediately stopped crying. "My boots!" she cried.

"Those are MY boots!" Dathomir said.

Annika grabbed the bag on the counter and pulled out an identical pair of sparkling purple boots. "I was going to buy them! But HE," she glared at the clerk, "wouldn't take my credit card!"

"I see," Sailor Dathomir answered.

"Can I borrow yours? Please?" Annika begged.

Dathomir nodded.

"Okay! Let's go," Annika said, grabbing her credit card and bursting out of the tiny shop with a big grin.

"But why do you need these boots?" Sailor Myrkr asked, following her over to Priire and Sailor Yavin.

"To wear under my new ceremonial gown."

"The one that touches the floor?"

"That's the one!"

"But you won't be able to see them!"

Annika looked confused. "So?"


The Senshi went back to the inn for dinner. It was only the first day of the festival, and Mara had six or seven shopping bags. While she was showing the other girls her new purchases, Chikako excused herself. "Xarae!" she whispered.

The older girl, who was standing near the doorway, slipped out of the room. "What is it, Chikako?" she asked.

Chikako didn't know Xarae very well yet, but she had heard how strong she was in the Force. Chikako's Force abilities were minimal at best, but she was learning more every day. Still, she had no idea how to approach this dilemma herself.

"Um, Xarae," she began, "I know this is probably not priority, but..." she hesitated. Xarae smiled slightly, and Chikako went on. "Do you think you could use the Force to help me find my shoes?"

Myrkr wearing Nom's boots

More about the senshi in this story:

Chikako/Sailor Myrkr
Ippin/Sailor Yavin
Nom/Sailor Dathomir
Priire/Sailor Asteroid
Annika/Sailor Bakura
Xarae/Sailor Iridonia

