Sailor Bespin

Senshi of Work and Happiness

Name: Toshino Kumoko (Kumo-chan)
Meaning: Toshino - city of; Kumo - cloud
Planet: Bespin
Age: 15
Birthdate: October 1, 1985
Star sign: Libra
Birthplace: Yokohama, Japan
Height: 5'5"
Hair: auburn; long, but always in loopy Leia-on-Bespin braids
Eyes: blue
Skin tone: medium
Favorite colors: silver, orange, blue
Favorite gemstone: amber
Favorite food: inari sushi
Least favorite food: chocolate
Favorite school subject: physics
Least favorite school subject: physical education - she's a klutz
Loves: talking on the phone; Miyazaki films; the Academy Awards
Hates: people who can't take a joke; birds; lazy people; the fact that she doesn't have a boyfriend (but she keeps that one to herself)
Hobbies: film; taking on the phone; eating; flying (her grandpa owns a prop plane and she has learned out to fly into the clouds)
Best qualities: hard working; good sense of humor
Worst qualities: can be insensitive; fails to take a lot of things seriously; can't get a boyfriend
Dream: to be a secret agent
Word to describe her: revolution
Powers: Carbonite Freeze and Cloud Surround

Sailor Bespin

View more images of Toshino Kumoko/Sailor Bespin

Read more about Kumo-chan/Sailor Bespin:

In Which Kumo-chan Finds Her Obsession With Obi-Wan Has a Story Behind It
The Start of the Sailors
The Official Story So Far
The Lost Senshi

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