Sailor Chandrila
Senshi of Fate and Politics
Guardian of Politics
Name: Shukumei Michisu
Meaning: "unknown destiny"
Age: 17
Birthdate: June 20, 1982
Birthplace: Hanna, Chandrila
Height: 5'8"
Hair: light purple; often worn up
Eyes: blue
Skin tone: light
Favorite colors: shades of blue and purple, depending on her mood
Favorite gemstone: alexandrite
Loves: listening to, and sometimes participating in, political
debates on Chandrila; taking care of animals; being outside
Hates: when people give her a hard time about her name (it's
definitely not Chandrilian - her mother told her that it just came to
her when Michisu was born); not knowing what really happened to her
Hobbies: painting, sports, reading, trying to learn how to fly a ship (but she's terrible at it)
Best qualities: dependable; won't avoid her responsibilies
Worst qualities: easily frustrated
Dreams: to represent her planet in the senate; to be an artist; to
meet someone who truly understands her
Michisu's mother was a Jedi Knight who was killed on a mission when Michisu was only seven years old. Although
the official story is that her mother died when the ship she was piloting malfunctioned and crashed, Michisu has always
somehow known that this is false. Although she lives with her father, he became very distant after his wife's death. Over the
years, he changed from a wise, caring leader to a corrupt, bitter politicion. Although she would never admit it, Michisu has
blamed the destruction of her family on the fact that her mother chose to be a Jedi rather than be close to her family and has
had a grudge against the order ever since. However, when she discovered her true identity she realized that she needed to put
that all behind her to fullfil her duties as a Star Wars Sailor Senshi.