Sailor Chibi Dathomir

Senshi of Absolution and Inner Light
Guardian of Inner Light

Name: Chakra Ramahoshi
Meaning: Chakra - circle of feminine energy; Ramahoshi - exhalted star
Age: 8; as a senshi, she is 21
Birthdate: May 4
Star sign: Taurus
Birthplace: Dathomir
Height: 5'4"
Hair: golden brown; curly, shoulder length
Eyes: crystalline blue
Skin tone: fair
Favorite color: silver, white
Favorite gemstone: emerald
Favorite food: she'll eat anything that's put in front of her
Least favorite food: none
Favorite school subject: Ancient History
Least favorite school subject: none, really
Loves: her mother, her friends, having fun
Hates: cruelty; shallowness
Hobbies: daydreaming
Best qualities: loyal friend; a powerful Senshi
Worst quality: she can sometimes get too dramatic
Dream: to protect Queen Amidala to the best of her ability
Word: light
Singing Mountain Scream! Holding out both hands, she sends a shockwave to the enemy.
Sacred Light Reflection! Using her Light Scepter, she sends a powerful blast of light energy to the enemy.
Prism Blast! She holds out one hand and a colorful beam of light flows into her hand and through her body. She sends out the powerful energy to her adversaries.
Fairy Feathers, Gift of Flight! Chibi Dathomir sprouts wings and is able to fly.

Chakra Ramahoshi is the future daughter of Nom Da'Gara and Kryss Ramahoshi. She has within her possession a special crystal called Nalalni, which has amazing powers. Though she has never met her real father, she dreams of what he'd be like. She idolizes Annika/Sailor Bakura, her mother, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, whom she thinks of as a father. Her best friends are Kairi-chan, Sutaru and Melesse.

Sailor Chibi Dathomir

View more images of Sailor Chibi Dathomir/Chakra Ramahoshi

Non-transforming characters connected with Chakra/Sailor Chibi Dathomir:

Aiyetoro, Chakra's friend
Kryss, Chakra's father

Read more about Chakra/Sailor Chibi Dathomir:

The Lighted Path, Part One
The Lighted Path, Part Two
The Lighted Path, Part Three
The Exalted Star
The Chasm

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