The Crystal Mirage

By Fuukou Ippin/Sailor Yavin

"Come ON Aster, stop dragging your feet!" Fuukou Ippin yelled at her blonde twin.

"Coru, it's late. I'm tired. Let's go back to the ship and you can look for your stupid fighter tomorrow." Seijoutai Priire responded glumly, stopping and looking towards the spaceport.

"No! I have to get it TODAY, Aster! It's important! I don't know why, but it is! You ought to know by now to listen when I have feelings about stuff." Ippin pouted.

"I think you just want a starfighter so bad that you've convinced yourself it's a Jedi thing." Priire sighed, looking towards the port again.

"I have not!" Ippin insisted hotly.

"Okay okay. Are you absolutely positive we have to do this tonight?" Priire asked, her voice sounding slightly whiny.


"Okay. Let's go then. I want to get back and try some of those special Naboo cookies, Gara is making cookies, and I don't want Annika to eat them all before we get back."

"You know she doesn't like you to call her Gara."

"It's easier to remember! What's her real name again?"

"Nom Da'Gara. She's gonna get mad at you one of these days and then we'll be missing one goo- er, medio- no, hmm...We'll be missing one semi-annoying Senshi...who manages to cause us more trouble than even the Sailor Sith. Maybe you SHOULD keep calling her Gara."

Priire reached out, grabbed a handful Ippin's long red hair - which was currently tied up in a ponytail to keep in out of her way - and pulled hard. "And what about you, oh mighty Ippin? You've caused your share of trouble!"

"Name one incident that involves me."

"What about when y-"

"One that WASN'T your fault."

"Oh. Um...that's harder."

"No, it's impossible. And stop getting all huffy Aster, we're at another lot."

"Oh all right. Bossy bossy bossy," she muttered.

"You called?" Nagareboshi said, appearing out of nowhere.

"Huh? Boshi?"

"Never mind..." She ran off towards the port.

"That girl is strange." Ippin commented, staring after her.

"No kidding. Well, let's look for your fighter." Priire responded. "Do you even know what kind you want?" she added as they walked into the shipyard.

"I want a ship that calls out to me, 'Ippin, Ippin, I am the ship for you, Ippin,' that kinda thing."

"That does it, I'm taking away your Corusca dust. You've been sniffing it, haven't you?"

"Aster! I just want a ship that feels like it belongs with the Prism. Like the Talon does with the Dreamer. You can't tell me you don't have a connection with that ship."

"Okay, I get your point. What about that one?" Priire asked, pointing to a model headhunter.

"No thanks. I want something more... sleek. I wonder if they have any Nubian ships here, like the Prism..."

"Nubian eh? Well, we have a couple old Naboo fighters, similar to the Nubian freighter design," said a fairly good looking young man coming up behind them.

"Let me take a look at them - See if they're any good," Ippin replied, masking her excitement.

"Right over this way ladies." Priire grinned at Ippin before staring after him. Actually drooling to be more precise. He led the way to the back of the lot, and the ships they were passing seemed to get more and more derelict. Ippin was getting nervous - it was getting dark now - when she saw the ship. It was a small Naboo starfighter, it didn't look anything like the other ships near it, and immediately Ippin knew she had found her ship. She turned to the young man who had led them there, about to ask to check it out, when she heard Priire's growl. She whipped around and saw the young man menacingly walking towards her, a group of older and uglier men behind them. Priire was in a fighting stance and had her hand near her blaster. Even though Priire was a great shot, there were six men, and from what Ippin could see they all had blaster rifles. She was about to give a warning not to do anything rash when Priire grabbed her blaster and shot down two of the older men. By now the others had joined in and were trying to get a clear shot at Priire. Ippin noticed something was off about their shooting; they didn't seem drunk so how could they not be hitting her? Suddenly it came to her. They were trying to use an old technique of firing around someone repeatedly. If you did it enough the fumes would work as well as chloroform. They wanted them alive for some reason, and Ippin didn't think it was to sell them a ship. She grabbed her lightsaber and, with a hiss, ignited it. The men immediately stopped firing. They were smart enough to realize trying to rape a female Jedi was not likely to work and would likely get them killed. She gestured with her saber for them to put down their blasters. One by one they set them on the ground. Ippin used the Force to pull them towards her and to pull their hidden blasters out.

"Now, you will now leave this lot, and if I ever catch you trying to pull a trick like this again... I doubt the Jedi council would have any problems with my killing you," Coru said, glaring menacingly at them.

The men slunk quietly away, and Ippin stared at the small starfighter for a moment. "I guess I'll have to come back tomorrow..."

"Says who?" said Priire, suddenly grinning.

"What do you mean?"

"I could easily get you in there, and we can just leave the credits!"

"Aster, you're joking! That's not right!"

"And...your point is?"


"Come on Coru, it's the ship you wanted right? 'Ippin, Ippin, I am the ship for you Ippin' and all that stuff. Come ON Coru!"


"I knew you'd do it! Come on!"

Soon Ippin had the starfighter's hull replaced with the same mirror-like hull - and Quantum Armor (there were some advantages of being the Time Guardian) - of it's "mothership". Once it was finally finished and modified to her liking, Ippin landed it in her hangar bay, and christened her. The small Naboo fighter had been transformed into the Crystal Mirage.

Read more about the Senshi and ships in this story:

Ippin (Coru)/Sailor Yavin
Priire (Aster)/Sailor Asteroid
Crystal Mirage

