Sailor Asteroid

Senshi of Stone, Defense, and Redemption
Guardian of the Stars

"Starbred Senshi of stone, defense, and redemption, I am the Dark Sailor - Sailor Asteroid! For the stars I guard, I'll punish you!"

Name: Seijoutai Priire
Meaning: Seijoutai - asteroid (in Japanese); Priire - dangerous (in the language of Priire's home planet)
Planet: Asteroid
Age: 15 or so
Birthdate: unknown
Birthplace: unknown - possibly Corellia
Height: 5'8"
Hair: golden blonde
Eyes: sea green
Skin tone: slightly tanned
Flower: Asters/Seijoutai Flower
Favorite colors: black and dark blue
Favorite gemstones: hematite and corusca
Favorite food: Ryshcate (Corellian celebration cakes)
Least favorite food: Tatooine meats (too dry)
Favorite school subject: not in school, but enjoys navigation
Least favorite school subject: not in school, but dislikes "pointless" things like English
Loves: flying starfighters
Hates: being wrong, people getting hurt
Hobbies: ex-mercenary, painting, upgrading her ship
Best qualities: creative, inventive, takes charge; prefers a blaster to anything else
Worst qualities: changes from fun loving Priire into dangerous Sailor Asteroid; she's also got a somewhat checkered past
Dream: to do enough good to wipe out most of the wrong she's done
Word to describe her: revolution
Powers: Asteroid Star Force, Make UP! - Priire transforms into the deadly Sailor Asteroid aka The Dark Sailor, Guardian of the Stars.
Asteroid Shower Power! - Her most often-used attack. Sailor Asteroid faces down the baddie and crosses her wrists. "Asteroid!" Then the background fades to stars with an asteroid belt curving behind her. "Shower!" The asteroids in the belt pour towards her, glistening like jewels. "POWER!" The Dark Sailor spins her arms over her head and poses with them straight out to the side. Flowing over her outstrechted arms come the asteriods in all their blue black glory. She also can just point at the baddie and yell "Asteroid Shower Power" to blast them. She sometimes uses it with other Sailors' attacks to form barriers, walls, and general mayhem.
Asteroid Gravity Force! - First, she poses like a duelist with her right hand in a fist at her left shoulder. There is silence as she closes her eyes and looks up. With a sudden movement, she thrusts her right hand up into the air and yells "Asteroid!" Still moving quickly, she thrusts her hand to the left, following it with her head. "Gravity!" Finally, she splays her fingers on both hands and points them in the direction of the enemy yelling "FORCE!" A blast of black and blue energy rushes at the enemy and surrounds them or blasts them, creating either a high gravity area or a low gravity area. This attack can be used to bend the path of other attacks or pin beings in place.
Redemption Crystal Power! - She holds her hands up and calls the crystal. At first, it's a perfectly diamond like and clear. As she holds the jewel, it lengthens and shifts colors. It shapes itself into a scepter, with a crystal at the top. The handle of the wand was filled with crackling lightning; the crystal at the top was filled with the black of space dotted with the brightest of stars. "Redemption Crystal POWER!" Asteroid's wand swept across the assembled baddies with a beam of lightning. The lightning had a stream of space-blackness spiraling around it, caressed with stars. This redeems anyone who's been turned to the dark side. Usually.
Starfire Surround! - Holding her hands cupped, Sailor Asteroid shouts "Starfire!" Her hands fill with glistening stars, overrunning with the jewel-like things. They seem to be on fire with light from the heavens. She tosses them up in the air and yells "Surround!" The stars burst around her like fireworks and then rush to the enemy, still bursting and seeming to reproduce themselves by the millions. Then they leap forward and slam into the baddie. Attaching themselves to the being, they explode into flames that alternate blue-black and sliver.
Chronos Starbred Revolution - As a last resort, Sailor Yavin and Sailor Asteroid use this attack. Standing back to back, they hold hands . Closing their eyes, they tilt their heads up to the heavens. The background goes dark as the twins pause there for a moment. Then, Sailor Yavin murmers "Chronos" and a red glow surrounds her. Sailor Asteroid murmmers "Starbred" and a blue glow surrounds me. There is another pause, like a prize vase tettering on the edge of a table just before it falls... then they whisper into the dead silence, "Revolution." The auras around them merge into a glowing ball of energy that starts expanding untill it covers the universe. Then, Yavin uses her powers to stop time, and Asteroid uses her powers to destroy everything. This is a very last result, seeing as it destroys the universe.

Priire and Ippin are twin sisters. When they first met, Ippin thought they'd met before, but Priire was sure they hadn't. After they found out they were sisters, the two were closer than ever! Priire has a tabby cat named Solai.

Guardian Sailor Asteroid is Sailor Asteroid's "defense" form. When she transforms, she's Sailor Asteroid, sans wings and all that. However... when the need becomes great enough in a shimmer of starlight, wings burst from her back and she turns into Guardian Sailor Asteroid. Guardian Sailor Asteroid can fly, and to attack, Guardian Sailor Asteroid arches her wings over her head and can either call on one of the things that inhabit the stars (aka - Stars! Space! Asteroids! Planets! She uses Stars and Asteroids the most) or just attack. Calling on one of those things makes the attck more powerful, but it also drains her more. Then, she says, The next part is a variable. She says something she wants to happen, basically. Something like "Deliverance!" or "Healing!" or "Freedom!" like that. She still has the Redemption Crystal. But to use it, she says "Redemption Crystal!" Holding the crystal above her head she says, "Ancient Redemption!" It's just like "Redemption Crystal Power" only more powerful.

Sailor Asteroid

View more images of Sailor Asteroid/Seijoutai Priire

Non-transforming characters connected with Priire/Sailor Asteroid:

The Hawkbat, Priire's Red Haze (mercenary) alias
Solai, Priire's cat

Read more about Priire/Sailor Asteroid:

Hawkbat Cycle 1: Seijoutai Priire, Dangerous Asteroid
Hawkbat Cycle 2: The Hawkbat With Talent
Hawkbat Cycle 3: Guilty As Charged
Le Rêve d'Étoiles: The Dream of Stars
Black Fire Dreamer
Black Fire Talon
The Official Story So Far
Sailor Yavin's Beginnings
Who Needs Enemies?
The Lost Senshi
Families and Flashbacks
A Corusca Gem
Praying For Daylight
Forced Affection
Asteroid Princess: Between a Rock and an Asteroid
The Great Senshi Search
Tales From the Room Behind the Waterfall, Part 1: The Love Letter
Tears Are Thicker Than Blood
Deadly Silence
The Dark Siders Chronicles, Parts 1 and 2
The Dark Siders Chronicles, Parts 7 and 8
Forced Affection: Asteroid's Knight
Senshi Acrostics
Conversation Piece
The Day Riku Died (Almost)
Someone Innocent
The Epic of the Time Key
Black Fire Legendmaker
The Tale of the Golden Bracelet
The Eighth Deadly Sin
The Silence of the Stars
And The Stars Were Silent...
Professional Courtesy
Blaster Lessons
Vines of Rebellion
A Thing or Two About Vengeance
Reform of the Evil Sprite
Family Ties
On the Ides
Everyone's For Sale
Forever's Not That Long
Kill or be Killed
Straight Tequila Night
Coruscant Rain: Night Fever
Coruscant Rain: Don't Stand So Close
Coruscant Rain: Back on the Rocks
Piano Man
Diamonds and Dynamite
A Mother's Love
The Sound of Wind Chimes
Bakuran Rain: Keeping Up Appearances
Bakuran Rain: Letting Go
Bakuran Rain: No Promises

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