Sailor Yavin

Senshi of Beauty and Wisdom
Guardian of the Space and Time Gates

Name: Fuukou Ippin
Meaning: Fuukou - beautiful scenery, natural beauty; Ippin - article of rare beauty, gem
Planet: Yavin
Age: 15
Birthdate: December 5
Star sign: Sagittarius
Birthplace: unknown
Height: 5'9"
Hair: orange with red tips; long (to her knees)
Eyes: hazel
Favorite colors: red, orange, blue, purple
Favorite gemstone: Corusca gems
Favorite food: nerf nuggets (similar to chicken nuggets)
Least favorite food: broccoli
Favorite school subjects: attended Jedi Temple - reading, universal history
Least favorite school subjects: math, mind control class
Loves: mining; reading; the crystal prism; her friends, especially Priire
Hates: bossy people, especially Jedi; being forced into anything; pain
Hobbies: reading; piloting; making sure Priire doesn't get into trouble
Best qualities: calm; very logical; thinks before she acts
Worst quality: has a habit of losing herself in her books
Dream: to be part of a family (secret dream - not even Priire knows about it)
Word to describe her: future
Powers: Yavin Core Pressure! Corusca Gem Daggers! Chronos Starbred Revolution! (last resort attack, done with Sailor Asteroid)

Ippin and Priire are twin sisters. They didn't realize this when they met and became best friends, but now they're closer than ever! Ippin also has a calico cat named Schylar.

Ippin is the owner and pilot of two ships, Crystal Prism and Crystal Mirage.

Sailor Yavin

View more images of Sailor Yavin/Fuukou Ippin

Non-transforming characters connected with Ippin/Sailor Yavin:

Riku, Ippin's boyfriend

Read more about Ippin/Sailor Yavin:

Sailor Yavin's Beginnings
Hawkbat Cycle 2: The Hawkbat With Talent
Hawkbat Cycle 3: Guilty As Charged
The Official Story So Far
The Lost Senshi
The Crystal Mirage
A Corusca Gem
The Senshi Who Got A Haircut
Something Missing
The Great Senshi Search
Tales From the Room Behind the Waterfall, Part 1: The Love Letter
The Day Riku Died (Almost)
The Epic of the Time Key
How Ippin Grew Her Hair Back
The Tale of the Golden Bracelet
The Red Ribbon is Cut!
A New Addition
Family Ties
On the Ides
Forever's Not That Long
We Are Always Watching You
Enigma and Exposition

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