How Uno Yoshiko Missed Her Math Class

By Uno Yoshiko/Sailor Chibi Tatooine and Chikako/Sailor Myrkr

Uno Yoshiko opened her eyes and looked at her alarm clock. "Oh no!" she cried. "I'm late again!" She jumped out of bed, threw on a pair of ripped blue jeans and her brother's t-shirt, and raced out the door to find her best friend Peetie honking his horn like a maniac.

"Hurry up, you punk!" he yelled, still honking. Yoshiko jumped into his old pickup truck, and he squealed out of the driveway almost before she closed the door.

On the way to school, Yoshiko twisted her long wavy hair into the heart shaped odangos she always wore. "Green today?" she said, looking at her friend's ever-changing hair. "I liked purple better."

"Nah, I like green," Peetie said, picking up his rear view mirror from the seat next to him to look at it. "So hey, you wanna come over and watch Star Wars after school?"

"Peetie, I can honestly say I've had just about enough Star Wars."

"Fine. We'll watch Sailor Moon, then."

Yoshiko rolled her eyes. They got to school a few minutes later, halfway through first period.

Yoshiko had had better days when it came to sneaking into her history class. "Well good morning Miss Uno!" Miss Marshio bubbled sarcastically. "Sure glad you decided to join us today!"

Yoshiko half smiled and slipped into the nearest empty seat. "You're just in time to meet our new student," Miss Marshio went on. "Class," she motioned to a pretty redhead in the front row, "this is Fuukou Ippin. She just moved here from, uh..."

"L.A.?" the new girl supplied.

"Yes, L.A. How nice to have you here, Miss Fuukou. Isn't that nice, Miss Uno?"

Yoshiko looked up from the note she was writing to Peetie. "Yeah, that's nice," she said. She went back to her note, avoiding the strange gaze Ippin had fixed on her. She was used to people staring at her - so used to it that she didn't notice that this new girl was looking at her quite differently than anyone else did.

When the bell rang to end first period, Yoshiko was the first one out the door. "Hey punk!" Peetie called from down the hall.

"Hey!" Yoshiko called back and stopped to wait for him.

"Excuse me," someone said. Yoshiko turned around. It was the new girl with the bright red hair. "Can I talk to you?"


"It's important," the girl insisted, and pulled her into the girls' bathroom. "Okay, first of all, I'm Fuukou Ippin, but I'm not from L.A. Actually, I'm from a different galaxy."

Yoshiko didn't look impressed.

"And so are you," Ippin added.

"Hey!" someone yelled from the other side of the bathroom door. "Yoshiko-chan? I have great news!"

"Okay, Peetie, I'll be right out," Yoshiko yelled.

"Wait!" Ippin cried. You can't go!" She threw down her book bag, and a disgruntled cat jumped out and onto her shoulder.

"Open the door!" Peetie shouted.

"Stop being a spaz!" Yoshiko shouted back. She turned to Ippin. "Why can't I go?"

"Because this is your destiny!" the cat exclaimed. Ippin glared at her, because now it was Yoshiko's turn to spaz.

"Whoa-kay, the cat is talking!" she squealed.

"This is my cat Schylar," Ippin sighed, by way of introduction.

"Sorry," Schylar said.

"Why can you talk?" Yoshiko asked the cat.

"Well, it's sort of hard to explain, but - "

"Oh wait, let me guess - I'm Sailor Moon, right?" Yoshiko joked. "Lemme try - Moon Prism Power!"

Ippin looked confused. "No, no, you're Sailor Chibi Tatooine!"

"CHIBI?! What, I get to throw pink sugar at people?"

"Pink sand is more likely," Schylar commented.

"Yoshiko-chan!!" Peetie yelled, pounding on the door. "You are SO going to be late for math!"

"I'm coming!" she roared.

"Schylar!" Ippin said. Her cat nodded and did a flip in the air, producing a short wand with a burning sun on the end. Ippin picked it up and shoved it into Yoshiko's hand. "Hold this up and say Chibi Tatooine Power Make-Up!"

"Chibi Tatooine Power Make-Up," Yoshiko repeated unenthusiastically.

"You freakin' punk!" Peetie yelled. "If you don't come out by the count of five, I'm coming in!"

"It worked!" Yoshiko gasped, staring at her reflection in the mirror. "I'm Sailor Chibi Tatooine!"


"So you believe me?" Ippin asked.


"It's kind of hard not to believe!" the new Senshi said, looking down at her pink and blue fuku and knee high boots.


"Great! Now let's go. We have a galaxy to save!" When Sailor Chibi Tatooine looked back at Ippin, she had become Sailor Yavin, Guardian of the Space and Time Gates, standing tall in red and orange fuku with her staff in her hand.


"Okay!" Sailor Chibi Tatooine said. Sailor Yavin opened a gate that would take them through both space and time and took the new Senshi's hand.

"FIVE!" Peetie yelled and burst into the girls' bathroom.

Sailor Yavin landed gracefully in the Room-Behind-the-Waterfall and swung her staff in a smooth arc behind her. "You're back!" Priire exclaimed.

Schylar landed nicely on Yavin's shoulder a second later. "Well hello there!" Solai called from Priire's.

Zyta rushed up. "Where's the new girl?"

"She's coming," Ippin promised, and half a second later, the new arrival landed in a heap at her feet.

"Ouch!" Yoshiko cried.

"What the heck just happened?" Peetie grunted, pushing her off of him. "Where am I? And what are you wearing??"

"Ow! If you hadn't burst into the girls' bathroom, you wouldn't be in this predicament! What was your great news, anyway?"

Peetie pulled a wrinkled piece of paper from his jacket pocket. "I got a 64 on my Spanish test!"

"Yea!" Yoshiko cheered. Then the pair stopped talking and looked around. Two cats and about thirty girls - not all completely human, either - were staring at them.

"Uh-oh," one of the cats said.

"Um, where are we?" Peetie asked.

"Coruscant," a blonde girl answered.

"Coru... Coruscant?" the green haired boy stuttered. He looked around the Room-Behind-the-Waterfall, at the girls, at the talking cats, and finally back at Yoshiko in full Senshi garb; then he fainted.

"Boys," Yoshiko sighed. Some of the girls giggled.

Kyoko grinned. "Welcome to the Sailor Senshi, Chibi Tatooine!"

About the Senshi in this story:

Yoshiko/Sailor Chibi Tatooine
Ippin/Sailor Yavin
Priire/Sailor Asteroid
Zyta/Sailor Tatooine
Kyoko/Sailor Naboo

