Sailor Omwat

Senshi of DayDreams and Clouds

Name: Kirana
Age: 16
Birthdate: October 5, 1985
Star sign: Libra
Birthplace: Unknown
Height: 5'8"
Hair: pearlescent; down to waist
Eyes: deep indigo
Skin tone: pale blue
Animal: seal
Favorite colors: blue, purple
Favorite gemstone: diamond
Favorite foods: French fries, junk food, candy
Least favorite food: vegetables
Favorite school subject: drama, art, English
Least favorite school subject: math, science
Loves: drawing; writing stories; fighting evil
Hates: evil; dumb people that "just don't get it"; doing dishes
Hobbies: destroying evil, writing, acting
Best qualities: caring and strong, imaginative
Worst qualities:can be stubborn; daydreams too much
Dream: to be an actress
Word to describe her: sky
Powers: Super Slice, Light Beam

In a past life, Kirana was the "Jedi Princess Kirana of Omwat," and Queen Clovetra was her mother.

Sailor Omwat

View more images of Sailor Omwat/Kirana

Non-transforming characters connected with Kirana/Sailor Omwat:

Kaden, an outlaw who captured Kirana
Kendren, Kirana's boyfriend

Read more about Kirana/Sailor Omwat:

Dreams and Memories
Enter the Angels7
Senshi Acrostics
Surprise at Bespin
The Kirana/Kendren Story
Together Forever
Happy Birthday Kirana!
The Princess of Omwat
Hello, Maho-Ryu!
The Start of Chibi Omwat
The Vacation

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