Hitotsu no Kotoba wa Ai

The First Word is Love

Written by Annika Nesicha/Sailor Bakura

Annika sat with her legs curled under a pink blanket, looking out of a round window. The glass was cold, she noticed, as she placed her flattened palm against it. Her breath fogged up the pane and with her pinkie finger she drew little hearts that quickly disappeared.

"What are you thinking about?" Obi-Wan Kenobi asked as he walked over and sat next to her. The ship they flew in sped past stars and cosmic debris and the void of space seemed to match the void in Annika's eyes. Obi-Wan resisted his natural Jedi urge to probe her Force signature for her feelings - he wanted her to express them freely, he wanted her to feel comfortable enough with him that she could share her thoughts and emotions without fear.

Without taking her eyes away from the stars, Annika sighed. "Love."

"You're thinking about Love?"

"Mm." She nodded. Suddenly she turned to Obi-Wan and looked into his eyes. He was sitting next to her on the small couch, his arms were folded and the strength and comfort of his gaze made Annika feel safe and secure.

"Love is complicated," she said.

Obi-Wan laughed. "You just now figured that out?"

Annika crossed her legs in front of her and picked at an errant string that was pulling away from her white tights. "I'm a failure."

"Why do you say that?" Obi-Wan asked, as traced the stitch line that ran over Annika's toes with his fingers.

"I'm a failure as a senshi. I'm the senshi of Love. It's my job to protect it. I'm also the Guardian of Love." Obi-Wan looked up at her, and she nodded. "No one knows that except for me. It's another responsibility that I'm afraid of failing. I mean... I don't even have any Love-based attacks!! Other senshi have more Love attacks than I do! I'm a horrible senshi."

"No, you're not," Obi-Wan stated.

Annika paused for a moment to look at the stars again, when she turned back around to face Obi-Wan, she had tears in her eyes. "Kleppa. Kleppa is the senshi and Guardian of Broken Hearts. If I were doing my job... if I were living up to my qualities... she wouldn't have a job. It's like... she's mocking me. That's why I'm a failure."

Obi-Wan was quiet for a moment. "Every up has its down. Every light has its dark, every hot has its cold, and every mistake has its lesson. If there were no broken hearts - or any sadness coupled with Love - it would be impossible to appreciate it. Love wouldn't be so precious if we weren't in constant danger of losing it. Even in the depths of a broken-hearted despair, Love thrives, for it encompasses hope - hope that Love may once again shine. Love is like a constant sunrise, or an eternally blooming flower... it never really dies. Kleppa's duties makes your job easier."

Annika's eyes regained their sparkle and she smiled. Her lips barely moved as she said, "I love you," quieter than a whisper.

"I love you too." Obi-Wan leaned in to kiss her, but a siren from the front of the ship distracted him. He raced to the front of the ship with Annika following behind.

"What does that mean?" she asked.

"I'm not certain," he said as he tapped the directional pad with his forefinger; his eyes darted over the blackness that stretched out before them. His brow furrowed in concentration and his lips pursed, and Annika could tell he was relying on the Force for inspiration.

"Annika, strap in, this could get dangerous. Maintain visual scanning," he told her. Annika did as instructed and kept her eyes on the expanse of space, but saw nothing.

"What am I looking for?"

"I don't know. The navigation system says there is something directly in front of us, as do my senses, but I'm not seeing anything."

Suddenly, the intercom cracked and buzzed to life. "Off-world vessel, you have violated private airspace, turn your craft around at once, or you will be arrested."

Annika and Obi-Wan looked at each other. There was nothing directly in front of them, yet the navigation map showed them directly above a large mass - possibly a planet.

Obi-Wan activated the intercom. "We sincerely apologise for any transgression, however we are unable to see -" He stopped and stared at the heaven before him. A sliver of light appeared in the dark curtain of space and it slowly fell away, revealing a breathtakingly beautiful planet.

"Cloaking shields," Annika observed.

"Foreign craft, you are hereby ordered to surrender," the voice over the intercom croaked.

Obi-Wan started to protest and explain their peaceful intentions when he saw two imposing crafts flanking their ship. Reluctantly, Obi-Wan began a descent.

"We're never going to have a peaceful holiday, are we?" Annika asked. Obi-Wan looked at her and smiled.

Annika watched the planet get closer as their ship passed through the layers of atmosphere. Blue-green hilltops were covered with sprouting flowers, and crystalline waterfalls pounded over slate grey cliffs and crashed into large, waiting bodies of water. The ship fell another ten thousand feet and the definition of the planet's surface became sharper, revealing delicate green and gold leaved trees. Annika remembered what the teachers had taught her about the seasons dictating the colour of the leaves, and she reasoned this planet must have been moving towards colder weather. The grass looked almost blue from a distance, but as the ship prepared to land, Annika noticed that it was a marvellous deep green.

The ship was immediately surrounded by dozens of blue-uniformed men carrying very large weapons as it touched down onto a smooth landing platform.

"I sense fear more than anything else," Obi-Wan told Annika, "so I don't expect them to be violent. Play along, and let me explain." Annika understood and nodded. They made their way to the shuttle door. With a simple, quiet, movement the door lifted, and Obi-Wan stood facing the guards.

One of the guards stepped forward, and immediately made his authority noticeable. A black visor hid his eyes and his mouth was twisted into a very visible and immovable frown. "Drop your weapons and walk slowly down the platform with your hands clearly visible."

Obi-Wan raised his hands and calmly said, "I have no weapons." The lead guard never knew the Force had been used on him; he simply nodded. When Annika walked out behind Obi-Wan, the man who had been shouting orders glanced at her, and then slightly lowered his weapon. All the officers shifted on their feet and gave each other quick looks.

"Hold your position!" the leader yelled, "This is probably a trick. Remand these two to holding cells. I'll call President Sythe."

Two of the men stalked over and gestured that Annika and Obi-Wan come peacefully. Annika looked up at the stone building they were about to enter and saw rain pillars like the ones on planet Bakura. They were located on the entrance. Then she looked up at the sky; it was overcast with dull grey clouds and a cool wind swept over the land. The calm before the storm, she thought.

The inside of the building was sterile and cold. The marble floors were immaculately clean, and the walls were lined with various documents and pictures. Annika saw a picture of a very elegant-looking man with grey hair; a little plaque beneath the picture read, "President Gordon Sythe."

"Turn right," one of the guards ordered, pushing Annika in the back.

"Take it easy, we're cooperating," Obi-Wan warned.

"Just keep moving."

They were led down another small hallway and into a large room with eight small, iron-barred cells. Obi-Wan thought the old-type prison was odd, because as a Jedi he could simply manipulate the lock and escape. Most prisons had Force locks. The uniformed officers seemed to recognise his lightsaber and his Jedi robes, but they treated him like a criminal. The fact that they had their planet shielded also made him worry.

Annika was herded into the first cell, and Obi-Wan into the second. The iron doors slammed shut.

"You two sit here and wait, and don't try anything, we can see you," the officer said, pointing to a right corner where a large holoprojector was mounted. As soon as the guard was gone, Obi-Wan turned to Annika.

"Are you all right?"

"Yes, I'm... okay. It almost as if..." she whispered, "as if I've been here before. I don't know what it is. Perhaps it's just because it reminds me so much of Bakura." On cue, thunder crashed across the sky and rain began to pour on the other side of a nearby window.

Obi-Wan started to say something but stopped when he sensed a presence approaching. Annika followed his gaze to the door and saw a honey blonde woman enter. She wore a red suit and a scowl.

"Who are you, and why are you here?" she asked when she'd reached the cells. She was breathing heavily through her nose and her eyebrows were crinkled into a sharp V shape, adding a menacing shadow her already stone-cold eyes.

Obi-Wan held his hands at his side in a gesture of passiveness, but kept his back straight in a show of respect. "My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi, I am a Jedi Knight from Coruscant."

The woman raised an eyebrow. "Coruscant? Why are you here?"

"My companion and I were on our way to Yuga II for a peaceful holiday. We didn't see your planet, and had we known of your privacy, we would have avoided infringing on your airspace."

The woman looked over at Annika, and then quickly returned her gaze to Obi-Wan. "My name is Petal Fyre. I am the local Senator for this sector of Miracle."

"Miracle?" Annika asked. "Your planet's name is Miracle?"

"No," Petal spat.

A man burst into the room; he was wheezing for air and carrying a piece of paper. His colour of his grey suit matched his grey hair, and Annika recognized him as the man in the picture, President Sythe. He rushed over to the bars of Annika's cell and grabbed them. The woman, Senator Fyre, sighed loudly.

"By the Gods! It's true!" he gushed. "We've been waiting for you!" he smiled at Annika, who smiled back.

"Sir," Petal said, "please, nothing has been determined for sure. Let's go and discuss this in private." She guided him by the shoulders, leading him out of the room and into the hallway. Annika looked at Obi-Wan and shrugged.

"Why did you rush in there, Father?" Petal asked as she hurriedly walked down the hushed hallway.

"Because Officer Jameson alerted me when he saw her. Oh, this is truly a glorious day, for the Queen has returned!"

"Please, Father! Keep your voice down! I believe she's an impostor."

"Impostor? That's ridiculous! You know what the Oracle said!"

Without letting him say another word, Petal quickly ducked him into a side room and shut the door. She sighed and folded her arms over her chest.

"You and that stupid Oracle."

"Mind your tongue, daughter! The Oracle is as ancient as Serenity itself! Two moons ago she predicted the return of Queen Muren and today it has come to be. This is a day for rejoicing! Soon this planet will be returned to its former splendour."

"The Oracle!" Petal snapped. "Your dependence on that stupid piece of crystal has become bothersome. What about all the times she's been wrong?"

"No, daughter! Her prophecies are in the form of riddles, the problem is not in her advice, but in our translation."

Petal rolled her eyes. "That's what all people of religion say whenever their faith is questioned. I don't really have time to argue about this now, Father. I'm sending the offworlders back whence they came, and please let this be the end of the ancient Queen business."

"But you are too young to understand it!"

"Understand what, your pathetic religion? I do understand it, I just don't believe in it. Furthermore, Miracle and Serenity do not need some long forgotten spirit-Queen to make everything better."

President Sythe watched his only daughter stomp out of the room. He shook his head and sighed.

Back in the holding cells, Annika paced the floor. She felt uncomfortable and anxiety-ridden. There was something strange afoot, but she had no idea what it could be. Obi-Wan was sitting calmly, as usual, but he too sensed something peculiar, and when the Senator appeared again, he knew it had something to do with Annika and him. Petal Fyre's eyes darted from Annika to Obi-Wan quickly and her face was flushed.

"You two have been given permission to leave the planet as soon as your ship is finished being checked for terrorist devices. Someone will be along in a while to retrieve you." She pivoted and left the room.

The two guards were dressed in a soft purple colour, as it's the least threatening colour to foreign dignitaries. They approached the freshly arrived royal couple and bowed.

"Queen Nikana, it is an honour to welcome you to the Intergalactic Senate. Please allow us to show you to your quarters," one of the guards spoke through his massive headpiece. The Queen nodded her head and began to walk down the hall with her handsome husband and five-year-old daughter in tow.

"Wait a sec!" interjected a small girl with reddish brown hair. "Where's Mika?"

"She was hidden from her family, remember?" Sian explained.

"Oh, okay, that's right. I forgot my Senshi history," the little girl smiled. She turned back to the images floating above the little box.

"Mama!!" a little white- and pink-haired girl yelled suddenly.

"What is it, baby?"

"I forgot my stuffed bunny on the ship, may I run back and get it?"

The Queen looked at her husband, and then back at her daughter. "Yes. But be quick. We will be in this room." She motioned to a large door. The small girl smiled and ran down the hall.

Rounding the corner, she crashed headfirst into a small boy, a young Jedi trainee.

"Watch where you're going!" he shouted. He was no more than eight or nine standard years old. He was wearing a light tan tunic and matching pants that were tightly tucked into brown boots.

"Me? You're the one who should look!" the little girl said after she'd positioned her hands squarely on her hips. "And besides, you can't talk to me like that! I'm a Princess."

"Forgive me," the little boy said. He quickly curtseyed, and then said, "Forgive me, but you are a brat!"

"Hey! You take that back!"

"No! I don't have to! You may be a Princess, but I'm going to be a Jedi Knight!"

The little girl folded her arms and scoffed, "Yeah right, and I'm gonna grow up to be a Sailor Senshi." She stuck her tongue out at him, and he did the same to her. The Princess folded her arms and stomped down the hall, and the little Jedi stalked off in the opposite direction. Master Yoda, who had been watching from a nearby doorway, merely smiled and shook his head.

"Wow!!" the reddish haired girl exclaimed as the pictures on the box flickered and sputtered out. "Was that really them?"

Sian nodded. "Apparently they were always fighting." He laughed. "Look," he said holding onto her tiny shoulders, "be careful, Sai. If anything happens to you, I will be in sooo much trouble. Your mother will kill me... MY mother will kill me! So, if anything happens, use the Key."

"I'll be fine!" she smiled. "Why am I going back anyway? It's not for training."

"You'll find out when you get there... I think. I'm not sure, actually. But Ame will be keeping an eye on you, so you'd better behave! And don't tell anyone your real identity - don't let them know you're a senshi."

"Okay! Okay!" Sai rolled her eyes and grabbed her henshin stick. "Abracadabra Ante Up!" she yelled, raising her black wand to the sky. Multi-coloured confetti popped all around her, and little pink and green streamers cascaded down, as Sai became Sailor Nar Shaddaa. In a flash of pastel yellow light, the transformation was complete. "Ha!" she laughed, "I am Sailor Nar Shaddaa, the senshi of Jokes and Magic Tricks, and the Guardian of Laughter! Mess with me and, er... something really bad will happen to you, surely!"

Sian smiled. "Are you ready?"

She nodded.

"Then be safe, Sai... and for pity's sake, stay out of trouble!" The small Sailor gave him thumbs up and winked.

"Something is worrying me," Obi-Wan said mostly to himself. "We're being rushed off of this planet out of fear, I can feel it... but what are they afraid of?"

"Well," Annika said, "I definitely think there is something weird going on." She took a few steps closer to Obi-Wan when she felt something heavy and warm hit her head... then her back... then her leg... and finally came to rest on her feet. Annika was splayed out on the floor with a small girl sitting on her feet.

"Sorry about that!" said the girl.

Annika held onto her side and sat upright. "Ouch!! You should watch where you're going!"

The little girl shook her head and whispered, "How ironic."

"Who are you?" Obi-Wan asked.

"No time for that now, silly!" The little girl produced her wand and tapped her head. She vanished in a billow of pink smoke.

"What was that all about?" Obi-Wan asked.

Annika shrugged. "I have no idea."

Petal Fyre walked into the room with two burly, uniformed guards. "You've been cleared for departure - these men will escort you to your ship. And I ask that you keep the location of our planet secret. We've had trouble with a neighbouring planet and are forced to cloak our existence, if word of our coordinates were to spread..." Her sentence trailed.

Obi-Wan nodded his understanding as did Annika, who was watching Petal with a close eye. Annika didn't like the way Senator Fyre looked only at Obi-Wan when she spoke.

Annika folded her arms.

The doors were unlocked, and Annika quickly made a point to loop her arm through Obi-Wan's and snuggle up close to him. Petal cleared her throat and extended her hand towards the officers. They hadn't taken one step before the main doors swung open and President Sythe entered. He looked serene and calm as he walked alongside two men in white robes. Petal's mouth grew slightly slack.

"These two have been cleared to leave, sir, please let them," Petal urged the older man. Her eyes spoke more than her words as she probed deeply into the President's eyes.

"I'm sorry, Senator," he spoke, "but the Oracle is not wrong, and I'm going to prove it to you." He turned his attention to Annika and bowed. "Forgive our rudeness, please. My name is Gordon Sythe, I am the President of this country, and it is truly an honour to meet you."

Annika bowed back and smiled. The President introduced the men with him as "Cirrus" and "Cumulus".

"They are our oldest and most respected Priests," President Sythe explained. Without warning, the man on the left, Cirrus, took three steps over to Annika and touched her forehead with the tip of a crystal. He removed it to find that a pink heart had suddenly glowed to life.

Annika's hands flew to her head in an attempt to cover the symbol that only appeared when she was in senshi form.

President Sythe drew in his breath. "She has the mark!"

Petal stared at Annika loose-jawed, with her shoulders slumped. "I don't believe it."

The monks dropped to their knees.

President Sythe was awestruck as he said, "Your Majesty, welcome home... to Serenity."

Annika was afraid that her heart was still glowing on her head, so she didn't remove her hands as she swallowed hard and blinked her eyes rapidly. "What?" she finally stammered.

The President laughed, "I know! I know this is confusing for you. I sincerely apologise, allow me to explain. Here, I'll escort you to my office."

Obi-Wan shifted uncomfortably in his boots, catching Annika's attention. Petal Fyre had not taken her eyes off of him. She was visibly shaking, and Annika thought she saw tears in her eyes. Grabbing Obi-Wan's hand, Annika followed the President and Monks. Petal trailed behind them all.

Sai checked to make sure the room was empty before reappearing. A small glowing sprite appeared above her right shoulder.

"Now what do we do?" the little thing asked.

Sai shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. That's a good question, Pancake. We should probably keep an eye on them... I know!! We can use this!" Sai held out her hand and used her wand to materialise a red cylindrical object. "We should probably be unseen." The little glowing thing agreed, and so with a tap of Sai's wand, they both vanished.

Of course, they didn't go anywhere; they simply cloaked their appearance. Tiptoeing down the carpeted hallway, they finally made arrived in front of the President's office. Sai put the red object against the door, and then her ear against the object. When voices filled the cylinder, Sai smiled and gave the thumbs-up to Pancake.

Inside the room, Annika was becoming overwhelmed.

"So," she said, "You mean... this planet is Serenity? It wasn't destroyed?"

Gordon Sythe laughed. "The Oracle told Queen Muren and her family to flee. After they were safely away, the monks used the power from the Oracle to make it appear as if we had been destroyed. Our enemies retreated and we began to use the cloaking shields permanently. Serenity was never the same after the Queen left." He sighed.

Petal looked down at her hands and mumbled, "Ran away is more like it."

President Sythe cleared his throat. "Two moons ago, Cirrus was meditating for advice concerning our fractured country when he received the vision."

Annika looked confused, "The vision?"

"Yes," he said. "Cirrus saw the Queen returning, he saw the glowing mark on her head, and saw Serenity being returned to its former splendour."

"But how did you know it was me?"

The President smiled and reached inside a desk drawer. He produced a small oil-painted portrait. The picture was of a woman. The woman was Annika. "This," he explained, "was painted by Cirrus after he received the vision. This is the woman who is the reincarnation of Queen Muren. And I have a feeling that you already knew that."

Annika lowered her head and blushed. "I did. But... I thought this planet was gone."

"Well, we are indeed here and very much alive. I know this probably presents a conflict for you, being the Crown Princess of Bakura, but we are also under your jurisdiction and would like it very much if you took your rightful place on the throne."

"Just a moment!" Petal snapped to life. She jumped out of her chair and leaned her hands on the desk. "Let's not jump into anything. I did some checking on Princess Annika when she first arrived here. She does nothing on her own planet because she lives exclusively on the capitol planet, Coruscant. We do not know why she is there or for what purposes she is not on Bakura, but it is obvious that she is not fit to be our Queen. We have functioned this long without one."

Annika started to say something, but was interrupted by the President. "You know you are not supposed to use the holocommuncation devices without authorisation! If an enemy picked up the transmission, our location can be determined!

"And it is not your place to question my judgement as President, do not forget that you are only a Senator."

Petal's stomach turned a flip from the scorn, but instead of talking back, she lowered herself into her seat.

"I live on Coruscant," Annika said, "for two reasons. The first is my friends. The second is my relationship with the Jedi, Obi-Wan Kenobi. I was not forced to leave Bakura. I was originally sent to the planet to learn diplomacy from the teachers at the Jedi Temple. I still visit Bakura on a regular basis and when my mother vacates the throne, I shall happily become Queen."

Obi-Wan tried to look unimpressed at the way Annika had just handled herself, but he had little luck. He had sensed a tension between Annika and Petal earlier, so he expected some resistance to Annika being named the Queen. Annika did not want to seem unintelligent or childish in front of Petal, so she was trying her best to be a beacon of Royal Authority - her back was straight, she spoke clearly and softly, never once over-reacting.

Petal smirked and focused her eyes across the room, and occasionally glancing over at Obi-Wan, which made Annika mad but not jealous. Annika was secure in her feelings for him; she didn't feel threatened at all. It had taken some time for her to reach that plateau, and she had no intentions of letting a dreamy-eyed Senator flare her emotions.

The President stood and smiled. He surveyed the people in the room and then inhaled, as if to breathe in the moment, and when he exhaled, he revealed a mouth of perfect, straight white teeth.

"I would love," Sythe said, "to introduce you to the people as soon as possible and have an official crowning ceremony not long thereafter, if that is all right with you, Your Majesty."

Annika was still quite overwhelmed and needed some time to think and time to consult her mother on Bakura. She was happy to be back on planet Serenity, and wanted to help in any way she could, but it was not the time to make a decision, especially when it was as important as ruling a planet.

"May I have some time to think about this? I'm sorry to seem so disorganized, but today has been very life-changing."

"Oh, I completely understand! Please, I invite you to stay as my honoured guests. My official residence is located only a few hundred metres from here; I would be pleased to have you and Obi-Wan Kenobi stay as long as you feel necessary."

"Thank you, Mr President, we appreciate it," Annika said, glancing at Obi-Wan, who nodded his approval.

"Well, then, it's all settled." He pushed a button on his desk, and a few moments later an older man with black hair entered the room.

"Yes, sir?" he asked.

"Aa, Pt'erie, would you escort these guests to the Viburnum and see that they are given anything they desire. They are very important guests."

The man, Pt'erie, bowed and led Annika and Obi-Wan out of the room and down to the Presidential flagship.

As the door swung shut, Petal rounded on her father.

"What is wrong with you? You basically offered that stranger control of this planet!!"

"Daughter, faith and trust are -"

"Faith and trust are akin to idiocy! You have just ruined Serenity."

"You will not speak to me in that tone!" he bellowed. Coming around to stand in front of her, President Sythe took her hand and sighed. "Petal. She is the Queen. Do you know that? Do you accept that?"

It was Petal's turn to sigh. "Yes. Yes I know."

"And I know this is hard for you... in more ways than one. I cannot begin to understand the depths of hurt you must be feeling now. But please, don't say anything about... well, you know. At least not for now. Do you promise? Please promise me."

She bit her bottom lip. "Fine, I promise. For now."

President Sythe smiled and hugged his only child. "Thank you."

Sai, who was still crouched down on the other side of the door glanced over to Pancake and frowned. "I wonder that that was all about?"

Word spread quickly through out the Viburnum, the official residence of the President, and by morning everyone knew exactly who Annika was... or rather, who she used to be. As she walked down the hall to breakfast, people were bowing and dropping to their knees. It took all of Annika's restraint not to grab them by their shoulders and shake some sense into them. Whispers carried and echoed in the long corridors, and down every one, the words "Muren" and "Queen" were floating around. Annika wanted to scream, "My name is not Muren!!" at the top of her lungs, but she knew that wouldn't help. They would only be afraid to talk to her then. And she did not want that. Instead, she smiled and nodded her head to the onlookers.

When Annika reached the doors to the dining room, she was a bit surprised to see the President waiting anxiously. When he saw Annika, his body jerked a little, almost as if he had restrained himself from doing a dance.

"Aa, Your Majesty! I was hoping you'd find your way."

She looked around for a moment. And then she realised that she had found her way from the fourth floor to the dining room all by herself. No one had pointed the way.

The president sensed Annika's question and answered in advance. "This is your Palace. Well, it used to be... er... it is. Well!" he laughed, "we've got time to figure all that out later. But the fact that you remembered was a very good sign, indeed!"

Gordon Sythe led the way into the massive dining area that was already filled with about three hundred people. As they caught sight of Annika, they hushed.

Obi-Wan, near the front of the table, was sitting next to Petal, who visibly scowled when she saw Annika.

"Your Majesty," President Sythe said in a loud booming voice. Annika inwardly winced at the title. "Allow me to introduce to you to the Senate of planet Serenity. They encompass leadership and delegation from all four countries - Miracle, Glory, Grace, and the underwater country of Beauty."

"Underwater?" Annika asked.

"Yes! The entire country lives underwater! You don't remember? Well, no matter, I'll show you one day!" He turned his attention to the two men and one woman who were now standing. "This," he said pointing toward the first man, "is Marzipan Crisp, Emperor of Beauty."

"It is an honour to meet you, Your Majesty," he said, bowing slightly. "I gladly defer my title and position to your great rule."

Annika's heart sank, and she shook his hand. He had just given her a country. Her knees started to shake, but she managed a smile.

The next man was Hage Calloway, the President of Grace. The woman was Careful Jolly, the President of Glory. They also handed over their countries to Annika. She didn't have time to think about the implications of their actions, because she was escorted to the head of the table. President Sythe pulled out the chair and waited for her to sit.

Annika's eyes scanned the immense room and two long tables. She didn't know these people, and yet they trusted her. They all looked at her as if she was the answer to a prayer. Annika began to panic. She didn't know what to do. Suddenly, her eyes fell upon Obi-Wan's smiling face, and she calmed down. No matter how difficult her life, she knew she always had Obi-Wan to rely on. So, with pained difficulty, Annika assumed the position at the head of the table, and it could be argued, that at that moment she also assumed leadership of Serenity.

Breakfast was sublime. The dishes were all so elegant and simple, and Annika made sure to try everything that was placed before her. Large picture windows lined the walls, and on more than one occasion, Annika found herself staring at the rain that fell softly on the other side of the glass, daydreaming that she was anywhere else but where she was.

The massive doors to the dining room flung open and three uniformed guards rushed in. Annika recognized the lead man as Officer Jameson, the man who arrested her and Obi-Wan the day before. He walked over to President Sythe.

"Sir, we have urgent news. Our shields have been breached, and there is a large off-world craft suspended in low orbit over the planet's surface."

The crowd in the room immediately began to mutter and fidget in their chairs.

"Calm down," Sythe said. "What do we know, Jameson?"

"Nothing, sir. They refused to answer our calls and from the condition of their ship, they appear to be hostile. What should we do?"

Sythe rubbed his chin and then looked over his shoulder at Annika. "What do you think, Your Majesty?"

Annika's eyes doubled in size, and her mouth dropped. A sound escaped her mouth, but it was far from a word. All the eyes in the room were focused squarely onto her, and she didn't know what to do.

"Forgive me," the President said, "it is too early to ask you to get involved in something this dire. Follow me to my office, Jameson, we'll discuss a plan of action there."

Petal lowered her eyelids and turned the corners of her mouth into a vicious smile, which she aimed in Annika's direction. She got out of her seat and followed her father out of the room.

"Wait!" Annika yelled. She left her seat and ran out to catch up with the President. "Sir..." she said, panting. "I'd like to accompany you. I would like to at least be aware of the situation."

He smiled big and said, "Of course! It's just this way," he gestured. Petal folded her arms.

Annika turned to one of the guards. "Will you do me a favour and tell Obi-Wan Kenobi to join us? If that's all right with you, Mr President."

He nodded his approval, so the guard bowed his head and quickly ducked back into the dining room.

"I sense they are hostile, most probably pirates," Obi-Wan explained later while sitting in the President's office. Officer Antilles nodded his head in agreement.

"What we need to do," Petal said, taking control, "is to mobilise a squad of fighters. We can have them airborne in less than ten minutes."

"I thought that Serenity was a peaceful planet," Annika began to say.

"We're peaceful, not stupid."

President Sythe cleared his throat in Petal's direction.

"What I was going to say," Annika continued, "is that wouldn't it be in everyone's best interest to find a peaceful solution? I mean... we don't even know if there are more ships... just higher in orbit.... and if you fire on that one ship, maybe the other ships will come down... and -" Annika stopped because everyone was staring at her.

"I agree," Obi-Wan said, thankfully breaking the silence. "They're holding back. They are still very dangerous, but they are also uncertain of this planet's weaponry. For all they know, you possess a great weapon that could destroy them in a flash."

Annika nodded. "They're afraid. But I don't know of what."

Petal smirked, "I thought you didn't have the Force, or whatever it is."

"I don't. But, I'm empathetic. I can sense their emotions."

The Senator mouthed 'oh' and then looked away. "Well," she said, "that's a very useless talent."

Annika stood. "I don't think it's very useless!"

"Let's calm down," President Sythe said, never getting up from his chair. "I don't even know how they found our location or breached the shields."

"It must've been when we lowered them to allow the... Queen," Petal drew out the word, "onto the planet."

"That might be," Sythe thought out loud. "However, I can't help but wonder if those shields might be more of a hindrance than a help. Our society has suffered by not being a member of trade routes, and we are just as unaware of new technology as the pirates. What devices we do have were gained by taking risks. Leaving the planet occasionally has grown too risky. With all the new trades and the surprising amount of pirates... we are losing out."

Officer Jameson entered the room with a frown on his face. He carried several papers.

"Sir. It is as we feared."

"So," the President said, "they have returned. After all this time."

"Who?" Annika asked.

"The people of Hillgrad, the planet that attacked us so many years ago, and causing our Queen to flee."

Petal sighed and smiled to herself. "That leaves us only one choice. Father, please allow me to lead the offensive. I have proper military training and am more than ready for the job."

President Sythe frowned. "For now, it will probably be in our best interest to at least have a plan in place."

"Maybe," Annika said, "It would be a good idea to contact the Jedi. They have experience with these sorts of matters."

"I can handle this, thank you," Petal snapped.

"I don't doubt that, but wouldn't it be best to perhaps have an outside opinion? Especially if this could escalate into actual fighting."

"Yes," President Sythe said.

"I can contact them," answered Annika.

The President walked over to her and took her hand. "I would also like to have you crowned as quickly as possible - this evening perhaps."

Annika shook her head. "But... I'm not..."

He smiled and then patted the side of her face. Turning to the room, he said, "Please, give us a moment alone." After the room cleared, President Sythe walked Annika over to a small settee and they sat. His eyes twinkled as he smiled.

"This is difficult, I know. But a united planet makes a bigger statement to enemies, as opposed to a single united country. That is why I want you crowned immediately. And I know," he continued, "that leading a planet is a major responsibility. However, a Queen needs advisors, yes? A cabinet of advisors that help when it is needed. There are four people, myself included, who would be more than willing to be advisors."

Annika understood why he was hinting. Annika could become Queen, and President Sythe would help her, as would Marzipan Crisp, Hage Calloway, and Careful Jolly. Annika's heart was filled with grateful warmth. The thought of being Queen seemed solitary, lonely, and cold, but now it seemed almost inviting.

"When did you want me to be crowned?"

"This evening, as the sun goes down."

Annika smiled and nodded. "Okay! As long as you promise to help!"

"Oh, I promise!"

She threw her arms around his neck and squeezed tightly. "I should go contact the Jedi now." She rose from the settee. "Just one other thing." She turned back to face the President. "Why didn't Hillgrad attack sooner... all those years ago, I mean? There weren't any cloaking shields then."

"They were afraid of Muren. It took them decades to build up enough weapons to attack, and even then, it was Muren who used her power to defeat them."

Annika felt bad. She wasn't Muren any longer. She didn't want to let this planet down, so she had to have help. More help than the President could offer. Annika left to go contact the senshi, because she had an idea.

An invisible Sai quickly jumped up from her sitting position on the floor and folded her arms. "I don't know about you, Pancake, but I am really tired of just sitting around. Why are we here? Sailor Yavin wouldn't have been so serious about our mission if we were just supposed to follow Annika around."

Pancake, the little glowing Wistie, copied the look on Sai's face and nodded.

"What exactly did she say again, Chuoko?" Chikako asked.

Chuoko threw her voice into a high-pitched, slightly British accent and said, "Can't talk much, need help. Use Force to find me. Use Yavin to get here. War. I have a plan. Please hurry."

"Hmm," Chikako thought. "I wonder what she meant by 'war'?"

"I don't know," Ippin said. "And I wonder where Obi-Wan was. They left together."

"A friend in need..." Yuki said. The senshi looked at each other and shrugged.

"But," Ippin said, "If Annika is over-reacting... again... I'm going to bop her!"

Yuki laughed. "I'll help you."

Xarae, Chikako, Ippin, Priire, Chuoko, and Yuki all transformed.

Sailors Iridonia and Hoth combined their Force talents to determine Annika's precise location, and with Sailor Yavin's help, they arrived in a matter of moments.

Annika, the newly crowned Queen of Serenity, stood staring out of a window. She was wearing the clothes she had on earlier, except her shoes, as she leaned her forehead against the chilly glass. The rain had stopped, but the leaves were still dripping and the sun had long since set. Thunder rumbled far in the distance, and Annika got a chill.

Slumping to the floor, she picked up the crown that had been placed on her head by a monk not an hour earlier. The crown was beautifully detailed, with several sparkling diamonds and an intricate pattern of opals, and it had been Muren's favourite crown.

"But I'm not her," Annika said, "or am I? I guess it doesn't matter anymore." She squeezed her eyes shut. "Please... please have made the right decision."

The silence that crept over the room was broken by Ippin's voice. "What on Yavin are those things?"

Annika yelped and jumped. "You scared me!" she said.

"Sorry. We're here!" she announced.

Annika was relieved to see her friends and quickly launched into the story of what she had been through in the past forty-eight hours.

"You're a Queen now?" Sailor Chibi Dantooine said with a bit of emphasis.

"Yup, I am. And those ships up there," she pointed, "are why I called you. Of course, when I called you, there was only one. Now there are a swarm. Presi- I mean, Mr Sythe thinks they are preparing for an attack. But I have an idea. And now that you all are here, I think Petal will listen to me."

"Who's Petal?" Sailor Iridonia asked.

"She's a Senator. A senator who hates me."

"Why?" Sailor Hoth asked.

Annika shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. But I'm going to go tell her right now. When she doesn't listen to me, I'm going to come back here and get you guys. Maybe if she sees you, she'll think my plan will work. I mean, if I'm friends with Sailor Jedi... see?"

Nods were all around as Annika put her crown back on and headed to the door. She turned back to face her friends. "Thank you all... for coming."

As Annika reached the door to the 'war room', her stomach turned in massive flops and her heart fluttered in her chest, and her skin prickled. She was nervous about confronting Petal, but she knew Obi-Wan was a member of the strategy team, so that eased her. The knob clinked and the door creaked as it swung open. Annika saw Petal writing on a pad of paper and Obi-Wan studying maps. He looked up at her as she entered the room.

"I have an idea," Annika said flatly.

Petal slowly raised her eyes to meet Annika's. "Well. Congratulations. Now, if you will excuse us please, we have things to do."

"What is your idea?" Obi-Wan asked.

Annika swallowed hard, but the reassuring looks from both Obi-Wan and Mr. Sythe, who was in the corner, calmed her nerves.

"Mr. Sythe told me that these people were afraid of Queen Muren, right? See... I don't exactly know how to explain this..."

Obi-Wan immediately knew what she was talking about. If she transformed in to Sailor Serenity, she might be able to scare them off, or better yet, tap into some of the dormant power within herself and use it to frighten them away for good. Obi-Wan put down the map and walked over to her. "That is an excellent idea, and I think it will work." He clasped her hand.

"That's it!!" Petal screamed. "I can't stand this any longer!" She stomped over to Annika and Obi-Wan. Mr. Sythe jumped up from his seat and rushed over to his daughter.

"Petal! Not now, you promised!"

"I'm sorry, Father. I can't take this, I won't take this!"

Annika looked at Obi-Wan and frowned.

Petal smiled. "You aren't the only one with past lives, you know? I, too, have them. One of them has haunted me for millennia. You see, Your Majesty," she said, almost spitting the words, "I was a servant to a very important family on planet Broxan. And one day I fell madly in love. But the man I loved was a Prince, and servants and princes aren't supposed to fall in love. But I did. We did. He loved me just as much as I loved him. Unfortunately, he was set to marry someone else."

"Petal," My Sythe begged.

"His family had arranged the marriage. He didn't want to marry her. He had never even seen her. But there was nothing that could be done to break it. However, we made plans. We had plans to fly away and leave. He was going to tell the other woman that he refused to marry her, and then we were going to fly away." A small tear escaped Petal's eye and slid down her face. "The day came for us to leave. I stayed behind on Broxan. He flew to the planet... this planet, to tell the Princess that he couldn't marry her... that he couldn't marry you.

"He never came back to me. Never! A year later, I find out that they had gotten married after all. I was devastated."

Annika's heart was breaking for Petal. Now she knew why Petal hated her so much. "I'm so sorry, Senator. But you see... Obi-Wan and I are destined to be together, nothing can tear that apart."

Petal laughed slowly. "That's just it! He's not your destined love... he's mine!"

"What?" Annika stammered.

"That's right. I flew to this stupid planet from Broxan, and I visited the Oracle. The Oracle told me that yes, we were destined, but somehow you changed it. You changed Destiny. I don't know what you did, or how you did it, but you stole him from me, and I'm not going to let you get away with it!"

Obi-Wan looked at Annika, who was in semi-shock. "Annika, this isn't true. You know how strong I am in the Force; I can sense our connection. You and I are Destined! I know it... I can feel it."

"Of course you can!" Petal snapped. "Because Destiny was changed. She used some sort of magic, Sith magic probably, to change Destiny. So now, you two are as one, but not for long!" Petal placed her hands on her hips and looked up at the ceiling. "I call upon the Gods of Destiny to right the wrongs that have occurred!"

"This is ridiculous!" Annika panicked.

In another room, Sailor Iridonia was surprised when Master31 appeared before her.

"Xarae," she spoke, "I need to speak to you."

Annika grabbed Obi-Wan's hand tightly. Suddenly Sailor Iridonia appeared from a spark of light. She looked sad and like she might be sick.

"Iridonia?" Annika asked. "What's going on? Why are you here?"

"I told you!" Petal yelled triumphantly! "She's the Guardian of Destiny! She's here to change it back!"

"Oh, Annika," Xarae said, "oh, Annika, I'm so sorry. But it's true. Destiny was changed."

Annika took a step backwards.

"Iridonia," Obi-Wan said, "stop this."

"You don't understand!" Xarae cried.


"Did you change it?" Petal demanded. Xarae said nothing.

The room was silent. Annika looked at Obi-Wan. He just stared back at her.

"I don't feel any different," he said. "I don't." He glanced over at Petal. And then glanced again. "Wait," he said, "I remember. I remember you. You had long black hair and green eyes -"

Petal nodded.

"- and we were going to run away and get married on Tatooine!"

Petal nodded.

"I remember walking into the Palace to tell the Princess that I wasn't going to marry her. I opened the doors and I saw her sitting with her back to me. Then, she turned around, and I looked into her eyes... and that's all I can remember."

Petal smiled. "That's probably when she used the magic on you, and that's why you don't remember."

Annika gasped and fled the room. Obi-Wan ran after her.

She ran through the room where the senshi all sat talking about how they would attack the ships. They all jumped to their feet when Annika ran by.

"Annika? What's wrong?" Chikako asked. But Annika just kept running. A moment later, Obi-Wan ran through. And a moment after that, a very upset-looking Sailor Iridonia came in and explained what had just happened.

"Annika!" Obi-Wan yelled as he ran up a flight of stairs, two by two. He followed her Force aura all the way up to the President's office. He ran to the doors, but two big burly guards stopped him.

"The Queen has given orders that she wishes not to be disturbed. Especially by you."

"You don't understand; I have to speak to her."


"You will let me in," he said with a wave of his hand.

"I'll let you in," the guard repeated. Obi-Wan silently apologised for using the Force on him, but gladly entered the room.

Annika was lying on the floor, sobbing.

Obi-Wan approached her softly. "Annika?" he whispered.

"Please go," she said.

"I won't do that, you know I can't do that."

Annika rolled over on her back. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. I didn't mean to use magic on you and steal you from her. I didn't know."

He knelt beside her. "I don't feel any different. My feelings have not changed. I haven't gained any feelings for Petal, or lost any for you. I don't exactly know what was supposed to happen, but whatever it was, it didn't."

Annika shook her head. "But it will. You can't fight Destiny."

On the other side of the door, Sai was crouched down, listening. "That's it!" she said. "I bet that's what we're supposed to do!" Pancake looked at her quizzically. "Remember before we came here, remember how Ippin was always using the word 'time'? 'Time is important, making things shorter is important, time this, time that...' remember? I bet she was talking about this... because they split up after this, and didn't get back together for years. And I bet that's why we're here! To make them get back together sooner!"

"But how?" Pancake asked.

"With this!" Sai said, producing the Memory Box. "Tashita gave this to Annika and Obi-Wan on an anniversary. I knew always did love it. No wonder Ippin told me to bring it! And guess what memory is in here?" Sai winked. "Come on, we'll go wait in Obi-Wan's room!"

Back inside the room, Annika had skulked over to the window and frowned. "I didn't want to be Queen. Why didn't they listen to me? I should've said something. I should've been more forceful. Why do I always do this? I never say what I think." Annika turned around and stomped out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Obi-Wan called after her.

Annika almost ran back down to the war room. She was filled with an angry determination and she had grown tired of sitting back and just allowing things to happen. Petal was not in the war room. One of the guards informed Annika that Petal had gone to address the special meeting of the Senate in the dining room. Annika broke into a run, her bare feet slapping on the cold marble floor.

When she entered the dining room, everyone stood and bowed. Annika didn't even look at them; she kept her eyes solely on Petal. Upon reaching the Senator, Annika slapped her.

The audience gasped.

"You hated me from the second you saw me, and you went out of your way to embarrass me, and make me feel unwelcome on my own planet. You have treated me like a stupid child, and have virtually ignored every suggestion, every comment, and every possible idea I had. Well, guess what? I don't like you! I think you're mean and arrogant! You hate me because of what happened millennia ago! I am the Queen! Not you! And I know how to stop this; I know how to make the enemies leave, and I'm going to do it!" She pivoted and left the room, brushing part Obi-Wan, and running back to the senshi.

"Annika! That's brilliant!" Sailor Yavin said after hearing her idea. The other senshi were all in agreement. All that was left to do was make contact with the enemies.

As the senshi were walking out, Petal walked in. "I can't believe you embarrassed me in front of the Senate. You're angry with me because of Obi-Wan Kenobi, well that's too bad! Because Destiny has been changed now, and he's mine again!"

"I don't think so," Sailor Iridonia said.


"Destiny was not changed back. Annika and Obi-Wan are still destined. It was Destiny that Destiny be changed in their favour."

Annika turned and looked at Iridonia. "Are you serious?"

"Yes. I'm always serious about Destiny. Destiny was changed, but it was supposed to be."

Annika smiled. "It was? So, you mean that... Obi-Wan and I... are still destined?"

Sailor Iridonia smiled and nodded. Petal looked down at the floor.

"But... that can't be! I've waited this long!" Petal cried.

"No," Iridonia told her, "You have been stuck this long. You should've moved on a long time ago, but you didn't. You held a grudge and harboured anger in your heart."

Petal turned and ran. Annika started to go after her, but was stopped by Sailor Hoth.

"Let her go, you can talk to her later. Right now, there are more important things to do."

Annika nodded.

Obi-Wan flopped on his bed and sighed. It seemed like he and Annika were always jumping hurdles. And this hurdle was fairly large.

"Hey!" Sai said. She suddenly appeared standing next to Obi-Wan. He jumped up and fell on the floor.

"You... you're the little girl from earlier!"

"Yup! Wow. Jedi-ness," she said. "I want to show you something." Sai reached into her green backpack and fumbled around for a minute. "Aa-ha! Here it is!" She produced a small silver box that was carved with beautiful patterns. The little reddish-haired girl pressed a button on the side, and images flickered to life. "Here! Watch."

"Are you ready?" Sailor Myrkr asked.

"I guess so," Annika responded. "Eternal Bakura Make Up!"

Nothing happened.

"Eternal Bakura Make Up!!" she yelled. Again, nothing happened. "Oh no! What's wrong?"

In a move that had been repeated earlier, Sai popped up out of thin air.

"You... you're the little girl from earlier!" Annika said.

Sai shook her head. "Okay, that's weird. You two are really spooky. Anyway, I forgot to tell you! Silver Crystal Make Up! That's your new phrase. Sorry, gotta go." She tapped herself and vanished again.

"Who was that?" Sailor Chibi Dantooine asked. Annika shrugged.

"Silver Crystal Make Up!" The phrase worked, and Annika began a new transformation. Her clothes disappeared into long pink ribbons, and then reformed into a fuku. Wind chimes played and sparkles fell about her. Instinctively the other senshi looked around to see Oame, but then realised that the sound was coming from Annika. After her transformation, Annika was wearing a new fuku, one covered with opals, pearls, and pink ribbons. A small tiara was on her head and a pink crystal heart dangled on her forehead.

"SUGOI!!!" Sailors Hoth and Chibi Dantooine exclaimed at Annika's new fuku.

She giggled. "One more to go," Bakura said. She produced her wand and said a small prayer. Moments later, Sailor Bakura was replaced by the image of the long-dead Queen Muren.

"I suppose we're ready," Annika said. Sailor Myrkr flipped a switch on the holoprojector. An ugly man with green skin and orange hair came into view.

He snorted and made a noise similar to a cough. "You finally decide to contact us, I see? Your weak planet stands no chance against..." He stopped. He leaned in closer to the monitor and squinted his eyes. Furiously, she consulted an officer who sat on his right. "Very clever. That is a very interesting disguise, but you will not fool us. The Queen died millennia ago... ha! We where there! We are ageless!"

Annika lowered her head and whispered another little prayer. The huge ship started to rumble.

"You think you scare us? A simple trick!"

Obi-Wan ran into the room. "Annika! I remember! I know this is not the right time... or maybe it is... I have to tell you! I remember! All those years ago, when I walked into the room... I saw you. I didn't mean to, but I fell in love with you. It wasn't magic, there was no trickery or deception... it was love. We fell in love, and that's what changed Destiny! It was our love!"

Small tears formed in the corners of her eyes and she embraced Obi-Wan. Their lips met, and a light grew between them. It shone brilliantly and everyone shielded his or her eyes. Annika's wand had been transformed. It was longer and tipped with a magnificent piece of heart-shaped crystal. Vines of twisted silver wrapped around it and small silver feathers hung on either side.

Annika knew what to do with it, and she turned to face the images on the monitor.

"How sentimental," the creature on the other side said.

Annika smiled. "You should leave now, and not return."

"I think not."

"Well... I warned you." Annika took her new wand and held it to her heart. "True... Love... First.... Kiss!" A powerful attack shot from the wand in colours of pink, blue, silver, and yellow. The tendrils of light encircled the ship and a brilliant flash of light later, the ship and all of the other ships were retreating quickly.

"I did it!" Annika jumped up and down. Obi-Wan hugged her tightly, and the other senshi applauded. "Not too bad for my first act as official Queen, huh?"

"Not bad at all!" Sai said from the doorway.

About the Senshi in this story:

Annika/Sailor Bakura
Kleppa/Sailor Chibi Ayameru
Queen Muren/Sailor Serenity
Mika/Sailor Yavin IV
Sai/Sailor Nar Shaddaa
Ippin/Sailor Yavin
Chouko/Sailor Chibi Dantooine
Chikako/Sailor Myrkr
Yukiko/Sailor Hoth
Xarae/Sailor Iridonia
Priire/Sailor Asteroid
Tashita/Sailor Eclipse

