The Day Riku Died (Almost)

Written by Fuukou Ippin/Sailor Yavin

Minae smiled as Ippin ran out the door laughing. She turned to Nom and smiled again. "She's nice, isn't she?"

Nom nodded. "She is. Ippin is very nice."

"Does she ever get mad?" Minae asked curiously.

The barest hint of a smile touched Nom's face. "Sometimes."

"DID NOT!" Zyta screamed.

"DID TOO!" Audra screeched.

"DID N-" Zyta was cut short by someone screaming in a voice that managed somehow to be even louder than her own. The two girls glanced at each other and looked out through a crack in the door.

"-ON PURPOSE?! HAHAHA!" Riku was on the floor laughing and clutching his stomach.

Ippin's nostrils flared. She gave him a solid kick in the ribs. "I HATE YOU! AND I did NOT use a BUZZ SAW on my HAIR!" She turned and ran towards the hanger bay.

The majority of the girls were sitting just outside the Black Fire Dreamer, and playing random games or some such. Priire and Boshi were playing sabaac when Audra and Zyta rushed in. The senshi all ran over to them and created a circle around them. The girls took several moments to catch their breath; meanwhile, everyone else thought there was a Sith attacking somewhere. Finally Audra was able to speak.

"Ippin... hair... fight.... Riku... laughing.... Ippin.... coming this way." For a moment no one understood what she meant; then everyone's eyes widened as the started to understand. Ippin must have gone to show her new hair cut to Riku, and he must have started teasing her. And now Ippin was storming towards her ship, probably to cry.

"Oh boy," Priire muttered. "Listen, guys, be nice to her when she comes in, but don't be obvious, 'kay?"

Minae looked confused. "Why?" She asked.

Priire glanced at her. "Oh yeah, you've never seen Coru when she's mad have you?"

"No..." Minae replied slowly.

"It's certainly a sight to behold, isn't it guys?" The group voiced their agreement, then the girls - and the knights, who were teaching Koumi sign language - went back to their previous activities - though with considerably less enthusiasm.

Ippin stormed through the halls and slammed the door to the bay open so hard it rebounded and slammed shut after her. She screamed angrily, drawing even more attention to herself then she already had, and making Minae stare in amazement.

Priire approached her as she stormed towards the Prism. "Hey, Coru, you okay?"

Ippin stopped and glared fiercely at her twin. "No, I'm not, you know perfectly well that I'm not, because Zyta told you and..." Ippin trailed off and started to cry.

Priire's eyes widened but she hugged her sister and let her younger (but taller) twin cry on her shoulder.

Ippin had calmed a few minutes later, but she still went and barricaded herself in her ship - consequentially kicking Suta and Kairiku out - and vanished to the Time Gates to be alone and watch time drift by. It was her most calming pasttime, and she often did it when the Sith or Priire - or both - got the best of her natural calm personality. She had an island in the middle of the time stream there, where she would sit and watch empires fall and rise again, watch people die to defend their homeworld, then have politicians corrupt it to something not worth the energy it would take to destroy it. She would spend hours there, learning and occasionally intervening...

Meanwhile back in the bay, Priire was glaring at the newly arrived - and out of breath - Yuri Riku. He'd chased Ippin all the way there, and he'd missed catching her before she went into the Prism by a few moments. He glanced around nervously at the angry girls.

Priire calmly started walking towards him; when she was a few feet away from him, Riku saw she had one hand on her blaster, and the other resting lightly on her henshin necklace. He had no idea what the necklace would do, but he fully well knew what Priire could do to him with that blaster, and at that moment she was fully capable of it.

He stared at her for a moment then turned tail and ran out of the ship bay.

Priire flashed a predatory grin towards her friends and started chasing him.

"I didn't mean to make her mad!" Riku yelled over his shoulder as he ran down the hallway.

"Yes, you did!" Priire yelled back, gaining on him.

"Well, I didn't mean to make her that mad!"

"Yes. You. DID!" Priire yelled as she tackled him.

Two hours later, Priire walked back into the hanger, smiling pleasantly. She'd just sat down and started a game of sabaac with Boshi when the Prism opened and Ippin calmly approached her twin. She smiled sweetly and joined the game.

Minae and a few of the other recently-joined Senshi stared at them, expecting some kind of explanation. Nom calmly announced the start of the Coruscant News at Five, and the group trudged back to the Room Behind The Waterfall. It had long since been agreed that they would watch the news every evening, so as to know when Sith began attacking - much to the chagrin of the younger senshi. And Annika.

Ippin picked up a book off the coffee table and sat in an arm chair in the corner. She didn't move for the next fifteen minutes - Yukiko wondered absently if she really read that slow - she didn't move until she heard Kairiku exclaim excitedly for everyone to look at the screen.

She glanced at the Holovid, then jumped up. The news was showing an almost unrecognizable young auburn-haired man being picked up by an ambulance with the anchor-being's voice overlapping.

"Young Yuri Riku was picked up this afternoon, in this sad shape. When asked what had happened, he could only say one word - 'haircut'. We're still trying to find the meaning in this phrase, but so far we've had no luck. Next we'll be visiting the set of Mind's Eye Blind's newest video 'Thumper'. Stay tuned to Coruscant News at Five."

Ippin looked accusingly at Priire. The blonde smiled innocently. "Gee Coru, he seems to have made someone mad today. You should keep better tabs on your boyfriend."

Ippin sputtered wordlessly for a moment, then stopped. She stared at her twin, then started laughing. She laughed harder and harder, until she had to sit on the floor to catch her breath. "Okay, okay. He deserved it. But don't do it again Aster," she said amiably.

Priire only shrugged and smiled.

About the Senshi in this story:

Minae/Sailor Honoghr
Ippin/Coru/Sailor Yavin
Nom/Sailor Dathomir
Zyta/Sailor Tatooine
Audra/Sailor Alderaan
Priire/Aster/Sailor Asteroid
Nagareboshi/Sailor Shooting Star
Koumi/Sailor Kessel
Suta/Sailor Corellia
Kairiku/Sailor Chibi Naboo
Yukiko/Sailor Hoth

