Top Billing

By Annika Nesicha/Sailor Bakura

"Okay, who thinks it’s time for a change?"

Immediately the entire group raised their hands.

"Good. Let’s start with Priire."

The girl in question raised her hand and winked. "Go ahead... but don’t you think it might be better to start with Annika?"

"Nani yo!" the white-haired princess started. Priire continued.

"Think about it, in every story about her, she always gets some new power, or finds that she’s special. More so than the rest of us."

"That’s not true!! And I am special..."

"Oh yeah? What about all that Sailor Serenity stuff? And the three kids, and the goddess thing." Priire smiled mischievously.

"Hey! Don’t forget she has Obi-Wan too!" Kirana interjected.

"Other senshi are powerful too!" Annika tried to recover.

"That may be, but you shouldn’t be more powerful than our leader, Sailor Naboo. That’s how it is for Sailor Moon."

"A-ha! No it’s not! Sailor Venus is the true leader of the senshi!" Annika again tried to make her point. "Why are we not talking about the real story-hog here? It’s certainly not me, it’s Sailor Asteroid!"

"What? Me? I can’t help it if I’m interesting. Besides, my person writes tons of stories, so what if I’m the lead in a couple of them?"

No one seemed to see the irony of the situation except Sailor Hoth.

"Isn’t it strange that this conversation is for the lesser-written-about senshi, and the two biggest story-hogs are the ones doing all the talking?"

The two girls stuck their tongues out at the ice-blue-haired girl, who shrugged in turn and glanced at the clock. Three AM. They’d been talking since seven PM off and on... a little here, a little there, leading up to this early morning debate.

Rune stood up and cleared her throat. "Look, I think the character who should get top billing in the next story is me. If you look back at all the stories, you see that I’m mainly used in passing references. Take a look at my profile! I kick butt!"

Some senshi nodded; others folded their arms and vehemently disagreed. One such was Shikuku.

"If Rune gets top billing I’m gonna-"

"Decide to kill off your character again?" Sailor Chibi Dantooine chimed in.

"Stop MSTing me Chibi Dantooine! And, no, not kill myself, I was going to say rebel. Then I’d start my own group of SWSS."

"You can’t do that!" Chikako yelled. "My person just drew that super hoth picture of all of us!"

"As it is, you can’t fight destiny. We’re stuck together, Sailor Ralltiir," Sailor Naboo said.

All eyes rounded upon the blue-haired leader.

"What? Don’t looks at me like that! We’ve all had experiences with Darth Real Life, and it’s not my person’s fault. Anyway everyone just sort of adopted my character. It’s hard to write ‘me.’ That’s why I have Sakura!" The girl blinked her eyes, then pulled a small child from behind her back.

"Hello," the child said timidly before disappearing behind Naboo’s back.

"Who’s writing this story anyway?" Sailor Iridonia asked.

Priire snorted. "And just who else would write a story like this?"

Annika was too busy singing a song to notice every one looking at her.

"...Soto wa mada ame ga futte imasu ka…yandara futari dekakette mimasen ka..."

"What is that song?" Sailor Tatooine asked.

"I don’t know, it’s what Bunny’s listening to. Oh, by the way, I feel I should tell you that she’s in a mad-ish mood cause her fingernail polish is chipping, she’s really hot, and her hand hurts from writing this."

The senshi rolled their eyes, not at Bunny (who is cho-sugoi), but at the current situation.

"Something told me we shouldn’t even have thought about this," Sailor Yavin pined.

"Yeah. It’s sort of like that question: If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it, does it still make a sound?" said Sailor Yavin IV.

"Of course it does," Sailor Dathomir said carelessly.

"How do you know?" Sailor Chibi Naboo asked the matter-of-fact Nom.

"It is a logical conclusion."

"Hold it! Stop everything!" Sailor Asteroid yelled, "Nom is bordering on Vulcan. We can’t afford a visit from the crossover police; we skate on thin ice as it is."

"Good point," Dathomir said, busying herself with something else.

"...Rizimu ga hajikete koi suru moodo..."

"Annika, if you do not stop singing, my ears are going to bleed."

"Hey! I have a great voice!" the princess wailed.

"Annika, you know we love you, so what I’m about to say should be taken as advice and not a criticism," Sailor Asteroid said, "But, you have one of the worst singing voices in the world."


"That’s it! Meeting over!" Yavin IV yelled. She and six others got up and left.

Minae burst into the room, panting. "Did I miss anything? I’m sorry I’m late, but I’m still possessed by Kizi."

"That’s right... um... no. You didn’t miss anything. We’ve sort of adjourned for the night anyway."

"OK. Can I go back to the woods to be creepy now?"

"Sure!" Sailor Broxan smiled.

It only took a few minutes for the senshi to disperse to their separate rooms, each with an idea for a story, each being the star of the story. Some of the girls and guys went down to the super secret senshi lab to manufacture various plot bunnies and cabbits that would be dropped onto their individual person's heads.

About the Senshi in this story:

Priire/Sailor Asteroid
Annika/Sailor Bakura
Muren/Sailor Serenity
Kirana/Sailor Omwat
Kyoko/Sailor Naboo
Yukiko/Sailor Hoth
Rune/Sailor Chad
Shikuku/Sailor Ralltiir
Chouko/Sailor Chibi Dantooine
Chikako/Sailor Myrkr
Sakura/Sailor Malastare
Xarae/Sailor Iridonia
Zyta/Sailor Tatooine
Ippin/Sailor Yavin
Mika/Sailor Yavin IV
Nom/Sailor Dathomir
Kairiku/Sailor Chibi Naboo
Minae/Sailor Honoghr
Lysthea/Sailor Broxan

