Tricks and a Lot of Treats

Kami's Birthday

Written by Ben V. Skywalker/Sukai Kami/Coruscant Knight and Mara Jade-Skywalker/Megami Hisui/Sailor Vjun

Today is my birthday! Mom said I was born on an Earth holiday called Halloween. I'm wondering what's going to happen today - my young mother has been good to me, and I've made many new friends. It seems like I have two girls after my affection. Magena's really nice and very pretty; we've been going out for a while and it's been fun. But Yuki - there's something special about her, and I feel a certain closeness when I'm near her like I've known her for eternity. I even feel like I know Chibi Hoth, and she's very sweet. I've also been having some great adventures. I miss my family, especially my father and my uncle who treats me like a second son.

Mother was out running errands. I was sitting down watching my mom's movie - it was Star Wars 9. The door bell buzzed. I opened it, and there stood a small mail droid. "Benjamin Skywalker, I have a message and a package from Coruscant."

"Thank you," I said and tipped the droid. I closed the door and opened the holomessage. It was a recorded message from my father. "Hello my son, how are you? I want to say happy birthday. I miss you, so does your mother and sister Bebi. I hope everything is going well, and I hope you're having a better time with women than your old man."

A voice in the background shouted, "Hmph! You married me, didn't you?" Mara appeared. "Hello kid, how am I treating you? Are you having fun? You better be fighting the bad guys, show them no mercy! I never showed anyone mercy, it's a sign of weakness, never let your enemy go. Okay, there was this one time, but never again, shall I give mercy!"

I could hear Goku whining in the background, "Mara, that's not nice." Another man's voice in the background shouted, "You are King Vegeta's Brat! Yeah, no mercy! Heh, heh."

Dad scolded mom and my uncle. "Mara! Vegeta! Goku shut up!"

Mom moved away and sat beside Dad. "I'm sorry, darling, I just get a little carried away. I was born a Saiyan, it's in the blood."

"Don't forget that, woman! Oh remember, brat, you have a big surprise coming later!" Uncle Vegeta commented.

Dad spoke again. "We're celebrating Trunks' birthday here, it's one heck of a party. All of your mother's weird friends are here - they have invaded the palace and Coruscant! Well, if you're wondering about Bebi, her training is going well. She's getting ready to one day replace me at the Academy. Everyone is doing fine. I hope you enjoy your birthday, and please tell Hisui that I send my love. Please send me a message back - I really want to hear from you. May the Force be with you, my son." The images faded before me, and I closed the holomessage. I decided to open the long black and orange gift later.

Suddenly Mara came back, holding three bags, her purse, and her sachel. After she set down the bags, my eyes widened. "Hisui, what happened to your hair?" It was black, spiked-up like a flame with a widow's peak. She was wearing black contacts, along with an navy blue bodysuit, Saiyan Armor (Cell Saga Era), white gloves and boots.

"I'm dressed up as my hero, my future big brother, Vegeta. Besides, this is my old fighting outfit."

I wanted my young mother to see what I got. "Mara, my father sent me a message." I threw her the circular object; she caught it with one hand and began to look at it.

"That's Luke, he's all grown up, I saw him in a dream after my parents died in a car accident. I must say he's very handsome, although his hair is silvery white." I snickered. "He's Neo King Luke Skywalker of Crystal Coruscant."

Mara started laughing. "Oh, my goddess! It's me!" I looked over and saw her smiling. "I'm still beautiful, looka me! Neo Queen Mara Jade-Skywalker of Crystal Coruscant! I can hear Vegeta and Goku making noise in the background! And all my wacky friends are there."

I guess Mom hasn't changed after all.

"Boy, get ready, we have company coming! Stop watching that silly movie!" she shouted.

"Yes, Uncle Veggie." I laughed.

Mara snapped. "What did you call me?"

I was gone in a flash before she got a chance to glare at me.

I went up to my room to get ready. From downstairs I could hear a few other voices; Annika and Sutaru were already there.

"Are some of the others coming?" I heard Mara say.

"Yeah, they'll be here soon," Sutaru told her.

I felt a little tired, so I decided to take a nap. I saw nothing but white mist before me, and it was cold, very cold - no, it was freezing. I was shivering. Something was not right here - it was as if time completely stopped. There was snow everywhere; mountains of snow covered the landscape. The sky was clear blue, and the sun hung overhead. No matter how beautiful it was, I felt alone, deep isolation.

"You're not alone, Ben," a voice called out from beyond the mists. I saw a white stallion with a dark mane and sable eyes approaching me. "Get on my back - I have to show you something." I got on the stallion and began to ride further on to the terrain. It was barren and beautiful, but silent like outer space. The horse quickly galloped through the snow and mist. We stopped at a huge mountain of ice. I got off and looked around.

"Where am I?"

I heard the voice speak again. "This is the place that will change your life. Boy, you will face a challenge here that will change your destiny. I know that you like adventure, you're just like your uncle and your parents."

I stood still. "What are you talking about? Who are you?"

The stallion grew wings and flew off. "I am an old friend, Ben. I am the guardian of Prince Vegeta's family." He was still calling my name.

I felt someone pulling me. "Get up, Ben!" I saw the person who was tugging at me.

"Where did the pegasus go? Where's the snow-covered planet that I was on?" I yelled.

"Ben, it's Mara, it was all a dream. You're back on Past Coruscant, at my house, remember?" She shook me gently.

I opened my eyes. I looked up, and I saw Mara hovering over me. "Oh, what a dream."

Mara crossed her arms. "Interesting. You'll have to tell me about that dream another time. Come on, you don't want to miss the fun."

I got up and put my lightsaber and Jedi robe on. "How do I look, Okassan?"

Mara smirked. "You look like Obi-Wan himself, but you kept the purple hair."

I chuckled. "I like your wig."

Mara pulled at her hair. "This is no wig - I dyed my hair black. Don't worry, it'll wash out."

"Well, Uncle Vegeta says, as a Saiyan woman with colored hair gets older, it turns black," I told her.

"Ben, your uncle likes to talk too much, doesn't he. Well, enough, let's go downstairs, now," she said.

We walked out the door and went down the marble staircase to the living quarters. The room was decorated with orange and black balloons and streamers. There were some boxes of candy near the door, and mostly everyone was here.

Annika came as Sailor Moon. "Hey Ben, how are you?"

"I'm doing fine, Annika. How are you?"

"Fine. I brought some cakes and candy. Happy birthday!" she said as she handed me a present. I put it on the gift table near all the others.

Kairiku was dressed as Aunt Leia wearing the white dress and the cinnamon-bun hairstyle that Father told me about when he first saw her. She was with Anakin, my future grandfather, and he was dressed as a Corellian smuggler.

"Hello, Anakin, nice to meet you."

"Pleased to meet you, Ben." He looked so young and innocent - I couldn't believe that he would become the evil man that Father had told me about. I'm glad that I was writing all of this down. I wonder if Father knows that Queen Amidala is his and Aunt Leia's mother?

Chikako came as a ghost, which scared a few people and a few trick or treaters.

The doorbell rang. "Trick or Treat!" A group of kids were dressed as Noin, Heero, Trowa, Wufei, Quatre, Lady Une, Sally, Zechs, Relena, Duo, and Hildie.

"Nice costumes!" I said as I gave them Snickers, Milky Wars, meltykiss, and Pocky.

Duo laughed. "No, it's really us. It's Halloween, dude - anything can happen."

I was suprised and shocked. "Well, we're having a party - why don't you join us?"

Duo and the others huddled. "Oh come on, Relena. Sorry, we can't - Relena wants to be alone with Heero later."

Heero smacked Duo. "Shut up."

The Gundam Wing gang left, bickering with each other, as I closed the door.

"Who was that?" asked Nom. She was dressed in her traditional Dathomir Witch finery.

"It was the Gundam Wing gang. I tried to invite them in, but they declined."

Minae was dressed as a princess, wearing a little crown encrusted with emeralds and rubies atop wavy hair. She also wore huge wings and a white dress that seemed to shimmer a little green when she walked. "Too bad, we would have loved to have seen Zechs."

Mara was talking to Kouba Kiri, who was dressed as the twin sister of Angel.

A few more trick or treaters came, more candy was dispensed, and Puaru, Korin, and Marin, my mother's lioness were joined by another cat, a cat that looked pretty familiar. Chouko was dressed as Ryo-ohki with floppy ears, and she was dragging Raeil, who was dressed as Juraian Prince Tenchi, complete with lightsaber. Lys was dressed as a little kid, pj's and all. "Happy birthday, Ben!" they all said.

"How is Luke doing?" asked Lys.

"He's doing well. Mom, Bebi, and everyone else is driving him crazy, as usual."

I saw Magena. She was dressed as Princess Ayeka, and she looked very pretty. "Thanks for coming," I said as I gave her a kiss on the cheek and a hug.

"Happy birthday, Ben."

Mara opened the door. "Coruscant Florist for a Miss Jade?" It was a very familiar-looking man wearing an orange gi and who had wild black hair and black eyes.

"Hey, nice costume, Mara." He winked at her. "Someone sent you lilacs and artemisas. And red roses from me." Mara tipped him, but he gave her the tip back. "You know I don't need that. But, I would like a hug."

Mara gave Goku a hug and winked at him. "See you much later, Kakarott," she said with a smile and closed the door. She looked at the card and gasped.

I broke away from the crowd and went to her. "What is it?"

She handed me the card, and it read, "I brought you the flowers of pride and dignity. For my future wife, thank you so much for taking care of Ben. Always yours, Luke." There was another card from Goku, but she would open that later.

She whispered, "Those guys."

Xarae was dressed as an angel in a long beautiful gown and wings that Master 19 had given to her, she said.

"Luke dropped another present, I see." Mara laughed and put the flowers on the table. Xarae put a pumpkin pie on the table, and Rene, who came as Yoda, put down a cheesecake with cherries on top next to the cakes, candy, ice cream, wookie cookies, appetizers, dim sum, vegetarian sushi, ramen, sashimi, and sandwiches. Mara had cooked and baked all day. I had always thought Mother's cooking was the best, and so was my uncle's - even if Father is improving, at least everything doesn't come out burnt.

It was 9:00 now, and Mara had turned off the porch light after giving away whole candy bars and pocky. Mara had greeted the last trick or treaters, a father and daughter; the man was dressed as Tuxedo Mask, and the young lady was dressed up as Sailor Uranus. Mara giggled as the man told her a joke, then kissed her hand. Mara went into hysterics and closed the door. Before she did that, I caught a glimpse of them - could it be Father and Bebi checking up on me? No, it was just my mind playing a joke.

As the pair stepped out, the man whispered to his daughter, "Do you think they knew it was us, Bebi?"

She looked back at the mansion and the blushing young woman who had turned out the light. "No, I don't think so, Father."

He removed his domino and hat. "Well, we must be going. I'm glad the others kept this a secret." They entered a portal and vanished.

Later, the party was just beginning. We had soda, tea, and coffee, and people were eating, talking, and just enjoying themselves. Suta, who is my second cousin, was dressed as a fairy. She's such a dear. Then my eye caught Yuki, who was with Aisu. Yuki was dressed as Chibi Hoth and Aisu was Sailor Hoth. Yuki came over to me and handed me my present. "Happy birthday, Ben," she said softly.

"Thank you very much." I smiled down at Aisu. "Thank you too." Why does this feel so familiar?

Mara was seen chatting again to Ippin, who came as Scarlett O'Hara, and Riku as Rhett Butler. She must have gone to Georgia in the 1860's to get those costumes, because they sure looked authentic. Priire was also there dressed as a vampire in black, and Kirana was a lovely fairy. Then came the big moment. Mara vanished into the kitchen with Suta and Annika, the lights were dimmed, and everyone sat at the huge banquet table.

Mara, Suta, and Annika rolled out a three-tier birthday cake lit with nineteen candles. They all sang the birthday song to me. I made my wish and blew out the candles. The lights went back up, the cake was demolished, and it was time to open my presents. I decided to open Father's first. "This is from Luke Skywalker." I opened it, and it happened to be a new lightsaber. Everyone looked it over. I decided to open Mara's next; she gave me a sword that looked exactly like what Mirai Trunks uses. Mara had a basket for my things ready. Kairiku gave me action figures of Mother and Father, like Jedi Master Mara Jade-Skywalker, Bespin Luke, and many more. "Thank you - they even got Mom's hair color right." I cringed when I saw Mara giving me a glare - crazy future Saiyan. From Annika, I got the newest version of the datapad. It had all the newest technology - it's also like a mini holophone - and I also got a strong leather belt. Kouba Kiri gave me a copy of Joseph Campbell's Hero With a Thousand Faces. "So, this is the book that has captured many an imagination." Chouko gave me some DragonballZ toys and manga. "SSJ Vegeta, Bulma, Bra, Piccolo, Chichi, Goku, and Mirai Trunks!"

Xarae asked my young mother, "Mara, are you all right?"

Mara wiped away a small tear. "It just brings back memories, that's all."

"Mara, they're over at our house all the time, so don't be sad. Father even gave you, Veggie, and Goku a title - he calls you The Saiyans of Eastwick."

"That's really funny, Ben," Mara smirked.

Rene gave me the DragonballZ CCG and a Chibi Trunks figure. Lys gave me a big bag of candy, all my favorites too. Suta gave me a Prince Vegeta action figure and Saline Crystals of all different colors. Nom gave me a Limited Collection Action Figure of Coruscant Knight with lavender hair, the good looks, the awesome outfit. "Thank you! He looks pretty cool!" Priire gave me a blaster, the same one my Uncle Han uses, made by BlasTec - only the best.

Yuki's was next. I opened it, and it was truly something special. She gave me a book on Japanese Sword Techniques and a set of Shuriken in a beautiful black case with a red dragon on it. "Good, now I have a great use for my sword, but Mara's hair better stay out of the way." Everyone laughed, including Mara. The last gift was from Magena; it was a beautiful watch, and on the back it said, "To Ben, you will always be a great friend. Magena." I thanked everyone and gave them all hugs. "Thank you all, you have all made me feel welcome here, and I am happy to be fighting alongside you guys. This is the best birthday I have ever had, and you're all great friends."

The party continued for a few more hours. There was music and dancing, we watched movies, and Mara turned Super Saiyan and fired a Final Flash into the air, demonstrating her power to a bunch of neighborhood thugs who were trying to crash the party. Mara flew at them, peppering them with small ki blasts.

"Mara, what the heck are you doing?"

"Teaching these guys a lesson - no one messes with me!"

By midnight, everyone had left except for Yuki and Aisu. Mara wanted Aisu to help her put away some of the food, leaving Yuki and me alone.

"Care to dance?"

She nodded and took my hand as we waltzed across the ballroom floor. I wanted this to never end. What? Benjamin Vegeta Skywalker, what are you thinking? Am I falling in love with her? I must keep this quiet for a while. So many emotions rushed through my head, but I intended to keep them quiet.

Oh baby, what a night this has been! Mara actually went ballistic and almost got arrested, but thanks to a few tricks she learned from Goku and Luke, from what she had told me, she had no problem. Jedi Mind Trick and Teleportation are two tools needed when in a bind. Yuki and Aisu were the last to leave. I turned to Mara and asked if I could walk them to the aircar. She gave me a hug and told me yes. She watched us from the balcony. Together we looked like a family. She watched us for a while, then decided to clean up.

I came back in. "Mara, do you need help?"

She shook her head. "No, it's fine, son, you're the birthday boy."

I gathered my gifts. "Please?"

I chuckled. "Okay, you can help. You're so nice - your father must be a saint."

I laughed. "He's been there for me at times when Mom couldn't."

Mara paused in my cleaning. "Oh, what was she doing?"

I had put my things neatly in the basket and carried them to my room. "Mother always had a duty. Whenever it was for Karrde or anyone, she'd always be away doing a job and making sure that she finished it. She was on the new Jedi Council when I was younger, but it seemed like her duty was more important. Although, later, Uncle Vegeta told her to pay a little more attention to her family."

She asked me about the day I was born. I said softly, "I was born right after she defeated that disease that almost killed her. My mother, father, and the others fought hard, and it was my mother and Uncle Vegeta who dealt the final blow to this war. Borsk Feyla was ousted and deemed a traitor, and the New Rebellion were the heroes once again and our galaxy was free. Speaking of you, Father said that she had really changed after my birth, like she was starting her life over again. She was happy that she had learned of her origin and her family."

She stood there. "Do you guys ever fight?"

I nodded. "Of course we do. Every family has their fights - it's what keeps them together. Mom fights with her brother - well, that's how they train. We also like to have little sparring sessions sometimes. This happened when I was eight years old. Mother told me to come at her, and if I did, she'd take me to the amusement park. I hit her in the face, and she punched me in the nose. I began to start crying, but Mom said, 'Don't tell your father, I'll take you to the amusement park!' Mother did take me though." I had put on a tank top and sweatpants, and Mara was still wearing her costume.

She smirked. "Ben, come at me."

My eyes widened in shock. "Nani?"

She motioned me to try and sock her - she wanted to see how strong I was. "Bring it on!"

I gave her a lopsided grin. "All right, Mara, but you'll have to take me to the amusement park!" I made a fist and threw a punch which landed her square in the jaw. It hurt a little, but she was amazed at my strength.

"Good gosh, you're strong! All right, as you wish, which amusement park do you want to go to?"

I put my hands on my waist. "I want to go to the Coruscant Virtual Reality Park, and then you're going to take me to the Menari or The Golden Dragon." She told me that I had her wrapped around my finger. "No, not at my house. Bebi has Mom wrapped around her finger. When she wants to go shopping, she takes her shopping; when she wants the aircar, she gets it. She's just like my cousin Bra."

Mara crossed her arms and turned her head. "Your mother loves you, doesn't she?" She made me a cup of hot chocolate, and we sat down at the table.

"Yes, she does, but there are some times when she doesn't admit it. She can be just as cold to my father. She may be full of pride, she may be arrogant, she may berate him sometimes. She can't help it, I guess she was just born that way. But she loves my father deeply. If anything ever happened to him, she'd take the hurt badly."

We began to talk about another factor in my life, Bebi. "So, does Bebi have a boyfriend?"

I nodded. "She did, his name was Azubu Horn, Corran's youngest. They were so much in love. But they broke up."

She smirked. "You have a few admirers too. Your father probably told you about his experiences."

"Don't make me mention Zeltros though - Father couldn't stand the place."

She took a sip of my hot chocolate and set it down. "Don't worry, I've heard of that planet. Well, enough talk, we have a busy day tomorrow. I just hope the Sailor Sith don't ruin our plans. But if they do, we'll be ready for them as always, right, kid?"

"Right, Mara," I said.

We finished our hot chocolate and washed our cups, and I went to go get ready for bed. Mara had just put on her nightshirt, sweatpants, and bunny slippers. Her hair was straight but still black, and her eyes were back to their natural green. I had just fallen asleep. Mara looked down at him. Yes, he does look a lot like me. I see Luke in him, too. Luke, the young boy who visited me in the hospital, the one who is to become my mate. Ben told me so much about the future me, my brother, whom I love dearly. Ben told me about himself, my beloved mate Luke, and my outrageous little Bebi. Oh Ben, I hope you find true happiness in the future. Magena is a nice girl and a good friend, and I admire her skills, but I have a feeling that she's really destined for someone else. You're destined for someone else too, my son, my future. She touched my lavender hair and kissed my forehead. She whispered, "Sleep tight, my child." Then she left my room and went outside into the garden and looked up at the moon.

"Megami Hisui?"

She knew that voice and turned around. "Vegeta, is that you?!"

She turned around and saw him. He was wearing a blue tank top and pants. "No, it's Leo!"

Mara jumped up and down, "Oh, Leo! Where the heck have you been? Well, as you know, I became a defender of the galaxy!"

"Woman! Oh, I see. Silly girl you are, Mara Jade-Skywalker - or should I say Sailor Vjun or sis? Look at you, a true Saiyan."

"It's hair color, Vegeta!" she shouted.

"Well, that's what you look like now." He smirked. "Hey, turn into Sailor Vjun - I have to see something."

"All right." She grabbed her henshin stick and transformed into Sailor Vjun.

He began to laugh. "I think you need a change. That's the old one - don't use it. Here's an upgrade, Bulma made it for you." He gave her a new stick; on top it had a blue star with the symbol of Vjun on it.

"Vjun Star Power!" she shouted. Her whole outfit turned navy blue; her bows, gloves, and boots turned white and the stone in the middle turned to gold, and her halo vanished and was replaced by a gold headband. "I'm Super Sailor Vjun! Pride and Dignity is what I fight for! In the name of Skywalker, I will destroy you, baka!"

He came over to her. "Mara, do you like it?"

She nodded. "Oh yes, I love it."

Vegeta looked down at the crystal in her hand. "You still have that thing?"

Mara clutched the Redemption Crystal in her palm. "Yes, in this era - you gave it to me a few years ago. It was your heart crystal."

Vegeta touched the stone and filled it with a brilliant light. "I gave it some more power, but you should give it to a close friend. Someone who may need it."

"I think I know someone who needs it." Mara said as she put the stone back in its red silk satchel.

Meanwhile, I heard a knock at my window, I looked, and I thought I saw my reflection. Instead it was my twin cousin Trunks looking back at me. "Ben, come outside. My father and I have something for you."

I ran to the garden, where I saw my mother, my uncle, and my cousin, who had just touched down. Gosh, why didn't I fly instead?

Uncle Vegeta gave me a hug. "There you are, Little Vegeta, we have something for you."

He called out to the heavens. "Mystic!"

The pegasus from my dreams had appeared in a flash of light; he flew down and landed beside my uncle and cousin. "Ben, Mystic is a protector and guardian of our family. He lives far away in an enchanted forest with his mate Rhiannon and a few other creatures. He saved my life once, when I was just four and this was before your mother was born and our planet's destruction. I was walking in the forest, not too far from the palace. Suddenly, I had gotten lost, it was getting dark and the forest on Vegetasei was very dangerous, especially at night. I sought out refuge in a cave that was full of crystals. There was one big crystal in the center of the cave that glowed like a beacon. Well, I touched the crystal and it fell, and that's when Mystic was released."

Mystic spoke next. "Vegeta had released me from a warlock's curse that trapped me for three hundred years. I flew the boy home and back to his mother, who was frantic. Before I left, I promised the boy I'd watch over his family always, no matter what."

Uncle Vegeta hopped on Mystic's back. "Get on, boy. This will better than flying your father's X-wing."

I got on and sat behind him. Mystic took to the air, and what an experience it was. It was like my dream, but real, Uncle Vegeta laughed. "Okay, you take over."

"What?" I asked.

Vegeta got off in midair and flew beside us. "How do you like it so far?"

"It's fun!" I said as I held on to Mystic's neck. We flew over Coruscant. We flew past the Jedi Council chambers and the Room Behind the Waterfall. We flew over large buildings and aircars where people were giving us weird looks, then over the Menari mountain range. We decided to head back to a sleepy Mara and a tired Trunks. I bid Mystic farewell, and everyone was getting ready to go.

Mara gave Vegeta a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I'll miss you. The dark time is going to be coming soon."

"Woman, don't worry, I'll be with you. Now, we must be going, Mara - Bulma gave us a while, but she wants HOPE 2 in one piece." He let go of her hand.

"Vegeta, can't you and Trunks stay? You can call Bulma," Mara said softly.

Vegeta turned back. "We'd like to stay, but Bulma wants us home."

Mara gave him a smile. "Can't you guys stay until tomorrow? We're going to the amusement park."

Uncle Vegeta smirked and looked at me, then back at Mara. "How did you get stuck with that?"

Mara rubbed her jaw. "I let Ben come at me."

Uncle Vegeta laughed. "The same thing happened between me and Trunks."

Mara grabbed his arm. "So, are you going to stay over tonight?"

Vegeta nodded, "Well, Bulma can miss us for a while. I'll stay, is that okay with you, brat?"

Trunks shouted, "I'd love to stay over too!"

Trunks and I watched Vegeta and Mara vanish into the house. "Well, I'm starving, woman. Do you have anything to eat?"

Mara giggled. "But of course. We have leftovers, and I must say that I am a great cook. Well, second best to Nom, because she's the best."

"Oh, like brother, like sister, always second best! But I would like to try her cooking though - is tomorrow morning okay?" He laughed.

"We'll see, Vegeta. Hey, have you learned humility?" I asked.

"Sort of. I'll tell you later, because it's a long story, Mara."

"Good, we talk about it during our snack."

That was the last we heard of them, for a while. Trunks and I played video games up in my room, and I had given him a lightsaber for his birthday.

While Mara and Vegeta laughed and talked for a while. They still acted like brother and sister, even if they were from different times. "Hey, I'll take the top bunk and you can take the bottom bunk!" I could hear Mara shout.

"No, I get the top bunk, onna!" he snapped back.

The bickering continued, but was silenced after a game of rock paper scissors. "Scissors cuts paper! You lose, woman!" Uncle Vegeta got the top of the bunkbed -

"I hate you!" - while Mara got the bottom.

"I love you too, kid," he laughed.

I sighed. They will never change.

Trunks took out his capsule bed and fell asleep. "Goodnight, Ben. Happy birthday."

"Goodnight, Trunks, and happy birthday to you too." I laid back down and gazed up through the domed window in my ceiling, staring at the stars and a white-winged stallion that had streaked by. I fell into sleep once more, hoping that next time, I would find the answer to that dream.

About the Senshi in this story:

Ben/Coruscant Knight
Mara/Hisui/Sailor Vjun
Magena/Sailor Mimban
Yukiko/Sailor Hoth
Aisu/Sailor Chibi Hoth
Annika/Sailor Bakura
Suta/Sailor Corellia
Kairiku/Sailor Chibi Naboo
Chikako/Sailor Myrkr
Nom/Sailor Dathomir
Minae/Sailor Honoghr
Kiri/Sailor Talasea
Chouko/Sailor Chibi Dantooine
Lys/Sailor Chibi Bakura
Xarae/Sailor Iridonia
Rene/Sailor Dantooine
Ippin/Sailor Yavin
Priire/Sailor Asteroid
Kirana/Sailor Omwat

