Family Ties

Written by Fuukou Ippin/Sailor Yavin

The main chamber of the Room Behind the Waterfall was full of Senshi. All the Sailor Senshi presently on Coruscant were there, watching a movie. All except one.

Fuukou Ippin sighed as yet another lead turned into a dead end. For three weeks she'd spent nearly all her time at her computer, trying to find the records she wanted. But she wasn't having much success; she was still no closer than she had been when she bought the computer. Ippin sighed and prepared to start over. She brought up a new search and started to type rapidly.

"Wow. I didn't know you could type that fast."

The cheerful voice behind her almost made Ippin jump out of her skin as she whirled to face the intruder. "Yuki-chan! Oh..." She took a deep breath to calm herself. "Don't DO that to me!"

The ice-haired senshi smiled. "Sorry, Coru-chan. What're you doing, anyway?"

Ippin looked nervously past Yukiko, and, not seeing anyone, pulled Yuki into her room and shut the door. "Um..."

Yuki raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

Ippin frowned slightly and pulled Yuki over to her computer. "You hafta promise not to tell ANYONE. Not even Aster. ESPECIALLY not Aster."

Yukiko nodded, albeit reluctantly. "Okay. What is it I can't tell anyone?"

Ippin simply pointed at the screen.

Yuki looked closely at it and did a double take. "Natalie Fuukou... you're looking for your mother?"

Ippin nodded. "Uh huh. I've been looking through marriage records, birth records..." She paused and swallowed. "Death records."

The senshi of Hoth nodded slowly, and her slight smile became a puzzled frown. "I understand. But... why don't you want Priire to know?"

Ippin winced and started to twist a lock of her hair - a nervous habit she'd picked up from the other senshi. "Aster isn't real fond of our parents. She doesn't remember them anymore than I do, but... well, you know how she feels about her family."

"Ooh... yeah. I'd forgotten about that."

"I haven't. I don't want to tell her until I know for sure about whether or not they're alive."

"I understand. I won't tell her." Yuki smiled. "Would you like some company?"

Ippin perked up considerably. "Yeah, that'd be great! Um..." She looked around her room at the single computer, then shrugged. "How about we go to the computer room - that way we can do twice as much."

"Okay, fine with me. There shouldn't be anyone in there - everyone's in the holovid room."

Ippin nodded cheerfully and shut down her computer. "Let's go then!"

For the next three days Ippin spent all her time in the computer lab, occasional joined by Yuki or Kairiku - who was also sworn to secrecy.

On the fourth day, they had a breakthrough.

"Hey, look it, look at this!" Kairiku called out from her station.

Ippin and Yukiko jumped up from their respective terminals and ran over.

"What? What'd you find?" Ippin demanded, looking over Kairiku's shoulder.

"A marriage record, between Natalie Fuukuu and Tycho Seijoutai! On Ut, in the Hapes system."

"Really?!" Kairiku nodded, and Ippin let out a quick laugh. "This is great, we're finally getting somewhere!" She rushed back to her terminal and started a fresh search, this time knowing what planet to look on.

A few minutes later she called out to the others, frowning. "Hey... this is weird."

Yuki looked over from her terminal and raised an eyebrow. "What is?"

Ippin stared at the screen and motioned for the other two to come over. "Look, it's a birth record, from Natalie and Tycho Seijoutai, but it's not for me OR Aster."

Yuki glanced over the report. "Apparently you have an older brother. Huh."

Ippin nodded slowly. "That's... weird." She laughed shortly. "To think, five years ago I didn't have a friend in the world. Now I've got dozens and dozens, plus a twin sister and a whole family."

Kairiku looked over her shoulder. "Wow. Cool." Ippin giggled and nodded happily, then went back to her search.

About an hour later Yuki lifted her head up waved her arms triumphantly.

"Hah! Beat THAT, Darth Computer." She glanced sheepishly at the other, who were both giving her decidedly weird looks. "Er, never mind. Uh, I found an obituary from last year, for Ryouko Fuukou." She paused then started to read aloud. "'In an unfortunate accident, Mrs. Meimi (Haneoka) Fuukou was killed today. When a speeder crash near her home set her apartment building on fire, Mrs. Fuukou was trapped in her third-story apartment and later died of smoke inhalation. She leaves behind her a loving daughter, Natalie Seijoutai, and a grieving husband, Ginta Fuukou. The funeral will be held this weekend in Mrs. Seijoutai's home.' " Yuki trailed off and looked at Ippin. "I guess that means that Seijoutai-san is still living there."

Ippin nodded dully and shut down her computer. "Or at least she was a year ago." She took a deep breath. "I guess the only thing left for me to do is to go to Ut and look for her... eep."

Yuki put a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, come on now. Don't worry."

"Be happy." Kairiku grinned, while Ippin and Yuki threw the seat pillows at her.

Yuki groaned. "Ugh! Bad Kairi-chan! No biscuit!"

Kairiku grinned. "Come on, it's a given. You CANNOT say 'don't worry' without someone saying 'be happy'. And neither of YOU were gonna do it, so I had to." She giggled and stretched. "I guess that's it?" The others nodded and stood.

"Thanks, you two were a lot of help." Ippin smiled gratefully at her friends, then quietly left, heading to her room.

Ippin woke early the next morning and finished packing. She was bringing only a duffel bag; most of her clothes were kept on the Crystal Prism, so she didn't need much. She hesitated near the door, then went back to her nightstand and opened the drawer. She reached in and pulled out a worn wooden box. She nodded and smiled and put the box in her bag.

She pasted a cheerful smile on her face and left the room.

Priire raised an eyebrow as her sister tore past on her way out of the Temple. She pulled her feet out of the pond they'd been resting in and went back Behind The Waterfall. She stuck her head in and looked around.

"Hey, where's Coru going?"

Sutaru looked up and shrugged. "She said she has some errands to do, and she'd be back in a couple weeks." She paused and frowned thoughtfully. "She seemed awfully nervous. AND I've hardly seen her in weeks, she's been holed up in her room a lot."

Priire narrowed her eyes and smirked. "Mysterious behavior... I AM intrigued." She winked at the girls and left the room, heading down the hanger bay.

Kairiku looked after her, surprised and worried. I sure hope Ippin notices her... if Priire follows her... eep, she thought to herself and shuddered - not noticing the looks she was being given from several of the Force-sensitive senshi in the room.

Ippin glanced around nervously and checked the address again. It was the only address listed for Tycho Seijoutai, and there hadn't been a listing at all for Fuukou or Seijoutai Natalie.

She closed her eyes for a moment, then pressed the announcer button.

A moment later, the door opened to show a woman in her mid-forties, with gray-streaked strawberry blonde hair. "Yes? Can I help you?"

Ippin gulped and opened her eyes quickly. "Um, uh, are you Fuukou Natalie?"

The woman started then laughed and nodded. "That's my maiden name, but yes. Do I know you?"

Ippin took a deep breath, gathering her courage. "I think I'm your daughter."

Natalie gasped. "My... daughter?"

Ippin nodded slowly. "My name is Fuukou Ippin. You - you left me this." She held out her wrist so she could see the bracelet, and showed the box.

Natalie gasped. "Ippin... my little Ippin..." She reached out and engulfed her in a hug.

A few days later, Ippin was in the living room with her mother, finding out about her past. Her father was gone, visiting his sick sister, so she hadn't met him yet. Natalie tried to get her to tell of her life, but Ippin avoided the questions, not wanting to disturb her or give away secrets. She hadn't even told her about Priire.

"Mama? Anyone home? It's your favorite son! Mama?"

Ippin glanced up in surprise at the tall young man that had entered the living room. He caught site of her and stared. She giggled and turned to Natalie.

"Ippin, I'd like you to meet Tyrebobajon."

He blushed. "Mom... Please, it's just Bob."

Natalie rolled her eyes. "Of course, dear. Ippin, meet BOB. Bob, meet Ippin. Your sister."

He dropped the suitcase he was holding and stared. "What?!"

Ippin nodded seriously. "I'm your long lost sister, Fuukou Ippin. I guess." She turned to her mother. "How many siblings do I have again?"

Natalie lost her smile and sighed sadly. "Three. Your sister, Bobby, and your twin."

Ippin looked up and thought for a moment, then looked back at her. "Where's my sister?"

Natalie sighed. "We don't know. We lost track of poor Priire a long time ago. She kept running away from those who were protecting her."

Ippin started to shake her head, then nodded instead. "And the other sister?"

Natalie's eyes filled with tears. "We lost her too. We went on a vacation when she was four and we lost her. We never saw her again." She took a deep breath to calm herself and smiled gently. "We have pictures though, of you and your sisters and Bobby."

"Moooom, its BOB."

Natalie rolled her eyes at Ippin. "Alright, alright. Anyway, would you like to see the photos, Ippin?"

Ippin nodded enthusiastically; she had no pictures of herself, except those from her ID cards. "I'd love it!"

Natalie smiled cheerfully and left the room, returning a moment later with a huge leather-bound album. "We keep all of our pictures in here." She explained, seeing Ippin's eyes widen.

Ippin nodded slowly and made room on the couch for the album. Natalie sat beside her and opened it. She turned the first page and pointed out wedding photos and pictures of Ippin's father. A few minutes later, she turned to a page marked 'babies,' and Ippin pointed to a photo.

"Ah! Why, it's Kleppa-chan!" she squealed.

Natalie looked up at her in confusion. "No, that's your elder sister. Arrielle."

Ippin froze as something clicked in her mind, and her voice came out as a rough whisper. "You mean Ariel?"

Ippin paced around her bedroom, wringing her hands. "Oh no... ooohhhh no. And I thought Annika had it bad, being Kendra's aunt... I'm Ariel's SISTER... why, oh why didn't I bring Riku with me? I need moral support." Unconsciously she sent out a mental signal of despair as she fell back on the bed.

Her mind slowly calmed, and a few minutes later she went back to the living room. Ippin closed her eyes and leaned against the couch. She took a deep breath to calm herself. "Sorry Mama, I'm okay. I was just upset..." Ippin stood bolt upright. "Oh SITH." She whirled around to face the door - and Priire. "Aster, CALM DOWN. Calm. Down. Shooting family is bad. Hawkbat-like."

Priire glared at Ippin as she lowered her weaponry. "Why didn't you tell me about this? Why'd you have to do it alone?"

Ippin glanced over her shoulder at her cowering family. "Remember what you did when you met some of your family at that N*aboo signing? You almost killed them. I didn't think having a blaster to their heads would give them a good impression of us."

Priire pursed her lips. "Well you coulda at least told me, Coru. Don't you trust me at all? I CAN control myself." Ippin raised an eyebrow at that. "Oh shut up."

Ippin smiled, then turned and faced Bob and her mother. "Sorry, Bobby, Mama. Aster's just, um... gomen. She's just upset lately."

"Am not!" Priire replied, annoyed.

Ippin rolled her eyes. "Oh, of course, you're just always like this." She giggled at the look on her twin's face. "Mama, this is Aster. Or Seijoutai Priire. My twin."

Natalie gasped; then her eyes filled with tears, and she cautiously approached and delicately hugged Priire. She backed off and looked at the two. "This is impossible. Why... both of you? You know each other?"

Ippin nodded and grinned. "Since we were ten. She was a miner on an asteroid, and I was carrying supplies on my way to Yavin."

Priire smiled slightly and put an arm around Ippin's shoulders. "I guess we were really lucky, finding each other. Neither of us had any other family, since she was abandoned and I was tossed around to cruel relatives."


"Well it's true."

"Argh. But so is the fact that the Hawkbat killed millions, do I rub it in? No, people make mistakes!"

"Hawk - HAWKBAT? Dear god..." Natalie paused for a moment, then shook her head. "It wasn't a mistake. It was the only thing I could do." She paused for a moment, then continued. "Before I married, I was a priestess at the monastery. I was told by the prophets that I would have important daughters. When you two were born, the prophets made us give you up."

Priire glared at her. "Just because some guys that think they know the future tell you to give up your children, you do it?"

The older woman shook her head. "No. I told them to take a flying leap. Then a woman came to me and told me what I must do. I couldn't disobey her, so I sent Ippin to be trained as a Jedi, and I tried to keep you, Priire, really I did, but after someone tried to kill us... I had to send you away where you would be safe."

Ippin leaned forward curiously. "A woman came to you?"

"Yes... she said she was a Phoenix, but that didn't make any sense... she was a human with dark hair."

Priire sighed. "Xarae. Sithspawned Guardian of Destiny!"

"No, she's not sith-SPAWNED, she's sith-MARRIED." Ippin ducked the pillow her twin threw at her.

"Ha ha. Very funny."

"I thought so."

Bobby stood up and looked the two girls over. "Huh. So I have two baby sisters. Jenna's not gonna believe this."

Ippin smirked and looked back at Priire. "He called us babies, Aster. US."

Priire laughed. "Babies, right. The only baby in our family is Kleppa."

Ippin took in a sharp breath and her eyes widened. Priire noticed the reaction curiously.

"What? You like Kleppa. You're not holding it against her about her mother are you?"

"No! Of course not. I just... don't want to think about any of them right now. I'm relaxing."

"You sure that's it?"

"Yes, I'm sure! Leave it ALONE, Priire."

The blonde started. "Sorry. Touchy touchy. You'd think I mentioned your hair or something."

Ippin glared. "You'd think you had a death wish."

Natalie held up her hands. "Don't fight, you two, don't fight!"

Ippin looked over in surprise. "Fight? Who's fighting? We're having a discussion. If we were fighting, one of us would be dead by now."

Priire nodded seriously. "And that would be bad. I wouldn't have an excuse to be mean to Riku anymore."

"Tashita-chan would be all alone. No Mommy."

"Don't you mean TANREI?"

"Oh, and Tanrei would have no Aunt Priire. Not that she cares to admit you ARE Aunt Priire anyway..." Ippin frowned and looked at her shoes.

"Awww. She'll come around, Coru, just you wait!" Priire put an arm around Ippin's shoulders and gave her a comforting hug. "Don't worry!"

"Be happy," Ippin finished dryly.

A few minutes later, both girls sat on either side of Natalie, talking. Ippin and Priire 'fudged' the details of their past and left out their present occupation entirely.

"So I ran away from the Temple when I was nine - I couldn't stand it anymore. Then a year or so later, I met Aster. We started meeting all the time, and, well, became best friends."

Natalie nodded slowly. "It must be destiny."

Priire scowled. "I don't believe in Destiny. At all. I say it was our necklaces."


Natalie looked at the two in surprise. "What necklaces?"

"Nothing, she's just been watching the Z Files lately. She meant the Force." Ippin replied, nodding emphatically.

Natalie nodded slowly and sat back, puzzlement written on her face.

"Well Mama, I'm sorry to cut this short, but I promised I would be home in time for Kairiku's birthday, and I'm already a couple days late."

Natalie started. "Birthdays! Why, that's right!"

The twin guardians looked at their mother with some bemusement as she went to the calendar in the corner. "What was that?" Priire asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's your birthday! Next Thursday. Oh, DO come back and celebrate. You can bring your friends, but I know Tycho wants to see you. PLEASE come back for your birthdays!"

Ippin looked at Priire, and Priire looked at Ippin. "Um... okay. Do you know how big an invitation that is? We have an awful lot of friends. Maybe YOU should come to Coruscant."

Bobby grinned. "Sure. Jenna's been bugging me for a vacation. Come on Mama, Dad needs one too."

Natalie shrugged. "I'll discuss it with him when he gets home. In the meantime, do you have a holocode for me to contact you?"

Ippin nodded and wrote down the code for the Room Behind The Waterfall. "Just ask for me or Aster. If we're not there, leave a message and we'll call ya back."

Priire nodded. "Yeah. I guess we'll talk to you later. See ya."

"Aster..." Ippin tentatively started as the two girls headed back to the spaceport.

"What?" Priire replied irritably.

"You acted awfully nice in there. I mean, once you put away your blasters. What happened?"

"Nothing HAPPENED, Coru. I just didn't think it was worth the trouble of killing them. 'Sides, do you know what would happen if I did kill them? Yoda would lecture me for HOURS."

Ippin giggled in spite of herself. "And we both know how tedious his lectures are."

"Oooohh yeah. So you see my point."

"Sure. But that doesn't mean I believe a word of it."

"Well, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it."


"Oh shut up." Aster glared, and Ippin just giggled.

The Room Behind The Waterfall was full of 'hustle and bustle' for three days. Priire and Ippin were determined to have a wonderful party - Priire insisted it was just because she was finally celebrating her actual birthday, but Ippin knew she wanted to impress their family as much as she did.

"Okay. Final plans. Party starts at seven; we'll have a dinner at Coruscant Galactic until eight. They open the presents; then we all come home, have desert and watch movies. Okay?" Kairiku looked out over the sea of senshi and sighed inwardly. This's what I get for trying to get outta helping set up. She, along with Aisu, Tejina and several of the other younger senshi had tried to sneak away from the preparations to get out of doing work... and had been caught by Obi-Wan in the Room of a Thousand Waterfalls. They'd been so startled when he came up behind them that they all fell into the pool/waterfall they'd been hiding around.

A chorus of agreements rose out from the senshi.

"Okay, let's divide up the groups. Nom, you are, of course, in charge of making dessert. Who wants to help - NO Annika, you can't help. Priire and Ippin want SOME left for their parents." The pink-haired senshi sheepishly lowered her hand.

Mara raised her hand. "I will," she volunteered.

"Me too!" Lys added, raising her hand as well.

Kairiku nodded. "That should be enough for now. If Nom needs more help, she'll ask. NO Annika, she's NOT going to ask you!" Again the Soldier of Love lowered her hand. Kairiku sighed in exasperation. "Okay. Yuki, you and Ben work on decorations. Boshi, you help. Xarae, you're in charge of entertainment. Everyone else... just help wherever it's needed - NOT YOU ANNIKA!"

"Cooruuu-samaaa!" Aisu ran up to Ippin and hugged her. "How are yooou?"

Ippin looked down at the expectant blue-haired bundle in her arms and giggled. She covered her mouth and bit her tongue, but she couldn't help it. She put Aisu down and doubled over in laughter.

"Whaaat? Why are you laughing at me?" Aisu asked indignantly.

"Be-because -" another fit of laughing "- you think I'm going to let you into the kitchen. So-rry. Nom would hurt me if I let a Chibi in there right now."

Aisu pouted. "Aw, whyyy? I'm HUNGRY - I'll die if I don't get some something to eat!"

"Then ask Yuki-chan. She'll get you something."

Aisu looked down at her feet. "Um, well... I kinda..."

"Yes?" Ippin prompted.

"I kinda already had her get me some nerf nuggets, and some ice cream and cookies. She won't get me any more."

Ippin put a hand over her mouth to hide her laughter. Nope, it still didn't help.

Aisu walked away, pouting.

Obi-Wan was waiting in front of the Jedi Temple with Annika. She was being exceptionally clumsy that night, so Xarae ordered her away from the decorations, and Nom wouldn't have dreamed of letting her in the kitchen. So she and Obi-Wan were given the job of waiting for the Seijoutai family. Luckily it was fairly warm that night; Annika's airy pink dress wouldn't have given any protection from the normally bitter-cold Coruscant nights.

"Look look! There's a hovercar!" Annika squealed and latched onto her boyfriend's tuxedo-sheathed arm.

"I see it, I see it." Gently he pried Annika's fingers loose and rubbed his arm. "Ow... she's got a good grip for a princess," he muttered under his breath.

The door to the hovercar opened, and a stunning young woman exited, followed by a little girl, no more than two. After them, Bob got out. He looked around, then put an arm over the woman's shoulders. He then turned back to the car and reached in, helping out his mother. Natalie glanced around, apparently looking for Ippin and Priire. Finally emerging - it was a very large car - was a distinguished-looking old man, with dark, gray-streaked hair.

"Ooh. Think that's them, Obi-Wan?" Annika looked questioningly at her boyfriend, then glared when she saw him staring at the young woman. "OBI-WAN!!!!"

He jumped and looked back at her - as did the entire Seijoutai family. "What?"

Annika smiled sweetly. "Noooothing. Just wanted to get your attention." She giggled, then ran towards the visitors. "Hi!! Are you the Seijoutai family?"

The old man nodded slowly. "You aren't one of the girls..." He trailed off and looked closely at Annika.

She laughed and waved her gauze-covered arms negatively. "No, no! I'm Annika Nesicha, and that's Obi-Wan Kenobi." She pointed to him. "We're friends Priire and Ippin. They had to leave, so we got the job of coming to get you."

The old man frowned at her. "Where did they go? Why didn't they wait?"

Obi-Wan put an arm over Annika's shoulders. "There was some problems about the reservations at the restaurant - there are almost a hundred people going tonight. Priire was planning to stay and meet you... but it's probably better that we did."

The young woman tilted her head to the side and spoke in a soft, lilting voice. "Why is that?" She questioned.

Annika hid a smile. "Because Priire's a little trigger-happy. She claims the only reason she didn't kill you when she met you before was 'cause Ippin was there. And she wouldn't ever really upset Ippin." She sighed. "I wish I had a twin like Priire..."

Obi-Wan shuddered. "Oh no. Then she'd be after ME all the time instead of Riku. I feel sorry for him, but I don't want to take his place, thank you."

Annika giggled. "That's right... hmm. Well you'd just have to be very good and not upset me, right?"

Obi-Wan nodded quickly, then smiled. He turned to the family. "We can take you to the restaurant, I'm sure some of the others are already there."

Natalie Seijoutai smiled gently at them. "Of course. Wherever our girls are, we'll go."

A few minutes later they were on their way to the restaurant in one of the Temple's hovercars.

"You're SURE I look okay?" Ippin asked for the fifteenth time.

"You look FINE. Perfect. Wonderful. Goddess-like. Now STOP worrying and help me already!" Priire's annoyed response told everyone more than anything else that Priire was nervous. When she actually snapped at her sister, there had to be something bothering her.

Ippin pursed her lips and grumbled as she helped her twin fix her dress to where none of her blasters were visible.

The twins wore flowing gowns identical in design. There was a layer of soft pale gauze, held in place by a jewel-encrusted brooch and tied with a silky ribbon to create an empire waistline. A strip of gauze tied behind the neck, then wrapped around the arms to create sleeves until being cinched with a ribbon at their wrists. At the waistline the gauze fell loosely to the floor, swirling over an ankle-length satin slip. The dresses were only different in color; Priire wore a dark blue slip and matching ribbons, with pale gold gauze, while Ippin's slip and ribbons were dark red, adorned with lavender gauze. The two brooches were made of sapphires and rubies for Priire and Ippin respectively.

The two girls looked in the mirror and smiled at each other reflections. Both twins wore their hair in delicate French twists, leaving only a few strands near their faces loose and curled. Their faces were lightly powdered with sparkling dust, making them look almost fairy-like.

"Well, this is it," Priire stated, taking a deep breath. "I heard Annika come in a couple minutes ago - she was squealing about how cute the decorations are."

"So I guess that means we should go out? I mean, since our parents are here and all," Ippin added.

"You're acting like we're going to a funeral. It's our birthday party! We become official adults!"

"Like we need the Coruscant official records to tell us we're adults. We've been adults since we were nine."

"Seven. My last family made me grow up."

"Oh, right, right. Sorry, forgot."

"How could you forget? I don't remember ever telling you."



"So I got curious! Watching peoples pasts helps me sleep!"

"Sometimes having the Guardian of Time for a twin gets really annoying."

"Ehhh. You know you love me."

"Yeah yeah yeah. You ready?"

"Ready when you are."

Priire grinned, and the two girls held elegantly-gloved hands as they headed out to the dining room.

The twins paused just inside the doorway. They looked through the streamer-strewn room and spotted their family members. Ippin put a gentle but restraining hand on Priire's arm.

"Remember to be calm. It's not their fault. No blamey, okay?"

Priire smirked at her sister. "Hey, I'm cool. No problems here. Let's greet them, shall we?"

Ippin smiled nervously. "Right. Okay. Let's."

Hand in hand, the two approached their parents. In sync, they nodded respectfully at the visiting relatives.

Tycho looked them over. He noted Priire's intense green eyes and saw the hidden fire in Ippin's calm hazel stare.

"You're my daughters," he stated proudly, taking in every facet of their appearance.

Priire raised an eyebrow. "Was there ever any doubt?"

Natalie shook her head and smiled. "No. He's just taking credit for how beautiful you two are." Ippin blushed, but Priire just shrugged off the compliment.

"Right." Priire glanced over at the younger members of the Seijoutai clan. "Okay, Bob I remember. And you are?" - directed toward the young woman.

She started and looked up. Her lilting tones were pleasant, but surprised. "I'm Jenna. Your sister-in-law. That is, I'm Bob's wife. And this is our daughter, Jillie." The toddler looked up and waved a chubby silk-sheathed arm at them.

Ippin's expression shifted from nervousness to the unmistakable look of someone who has just seen something cute. "She's adorable! Hear that, Aster, we have a niece!" Ippin squealed and knelt next to the brunette baby. "I'm your Auntie Ippin. That's your Auntie Priire."

Jillie looked up at her and giggled. "Auntie Ippin got funny hair."

Ippin straightened and got a very odd expression on her face. Priire looked slightly worried at the reaction.

"Uh oh."

Jenna looked over, a bit concerned. "What?"

Priire's eyes widened as Ippin turned on her heels and stalked out of the room. "That's bad."

"What happened?" Bob looked puzzled to say the least.

Priire shook her head. "She's a tiny bit sensitive about the hair. Of course, she wouldn't hurt her niece, but last time anyone other than her close friends mentioned it, they were decapitated."

Jenna gasped and clutched her daughter to her chest. "Why would she do a thing like that?"

Priire shrugged. "It's just something she's always done. You just DON'T mention the hair or else you die. Personality quirk. I got used to it a long time ago."

Natalie took a deep breath and seemed to gather her courage. "Are you really the Hawkbat, then?"

Priire glared fiercely at her. "Where did you hear that? Never mind, I don't care. Yes, I was the Hawkbat. I hope you enjoy having it on your conscience. Because you left us, we survived but killed billions. Nice trade off, isn't it?"

Natalie buried her face in her husband's shirt, Tycho his face in her hair, and Jenna bit her lip.

Chikako waltzed into the hall to see the surprising sight of the Seijoutai's cowering under Priire's gaze, with Ippin nowhere to be seen.

"Uhh ohhh," she whispered to herself. She looked back out and saw several Senshi milling around outside the door. She finally spotted Ippin in a corner by herself. "Best solution - get Ippin to fix it." She scurried over to the corner and described what she'd seen.

Ippin looked surprised, then annoyed, and nodded. She quickly went back to her family, intending to diffuse the situation.

Ippin halted just inside the door. Priire was chatting cheerfully with Jenna and holding Jillie. There was no sign of hostility from either side.

She continued in tentatively. She raised an eyebrow and folded her arms. "Okaaay. Weird," she muttered under her breath. "Apparently Chikako-chan was seeing things." She shrugged and tapped her twin on the shoulder. "Hey Aster, everyone's outside waiting for dinner to start. The Chibis are starting to whine."

Priire looked up in surprise. "Why didn't they just come in?"

Ippin smiled. "Xarae. She thought we might like some time alone first. She wouldn't let them come in till we came out."

Priire nodded. "Ah. I see. Very considerate of her."

"Yup. You ready?" Ippin asked.

"Aren't I always? Open the doors."

"Yay!" Ippin held up the old set of manga that Yukiko had given her. "I was planning to go to the '70s to get this! I LOVE Candy Candy! Thank you SO much!"

Priire slowly examined the antique throwing knifes, taking in the detailed seijoutai flower engraved on the bone handle. Slowly she smiled. "Wow." She looked up and grinned. "Thanks, Yuki-chan! They're great!"

Yuki smiled back from her seat across the floor. "I'm glad you like them, Priire. I had them specially made. And I got those Manga last time we went to Earth. They were hard to find."

Ippin sent a Force-hug over to her ice-haired friend and reached for the next gift. "Ooh, from Annika." She meticulously opened the oddly-shaped gift and gasped. "Sugoi... I love it! Thank you!" She picked up the delicate Corusca Crystal hourglass. She turned it over and watched the grains of Corusca Dust filter through. "It's PERFECT. Thank you 'Nika-chan!"

Annika smiled and pushed a box at Priire. "Here. This one's yours."

Priire raised an eyebrow and opened it. She grinned and pulled out a blaster. "Hoth." She looked underneath and pulled out a pair of black leather pants, a white leather belt, and a black silk shirt. Finally she found a pair of black leather gloves with white piping. "REALLY Hoth. This is GREAT Annika." The pink-haired senshi grinned and blushed.

Finally almost all the presents were opened. Mara and Ben collaborated and gave the twins a set of passes to a local spa; Xarae gave a nice leather-bound book of poetry to Ippin, and a set of black candles to Priire. Kairiku gave both girls some rare Gungan candy, and Melesse gave a set of seashells she's found on the beach. Priire got an incredible amount of Weapons Of Mass Destruction - much to Ippin's chagrin - while Ippin got mostly clothes, jewelry, or books. Last of all there was Kiri's gift. She and Xarae had been in charge of finding entertainment, so they arranged a duel concert between the two girls favorite bands.

"Okay, it's Kiri's turn. What'd ya get me?" Ippin asked, grinning.

Kiri smiled to herself and looked over her shoulder at the door. She went over and opened it to reveal...

Ippin gasped. "N*aboo!" She stared at Kiri. "You got me N*aboo!"

Kiri laughed. "Sorry, only for the night - get your minds out of the gutters! I didn't mean it like that. They're just going to play a few songs and hang around till they have to go home."

,p>"Kiri." Ippin's tone was very disapproving.


"You invited N*aboo here. Where Priire is present. Where Priire has access to a LOT of weapons."

Kiri paled slightly. "Riiight. That was a bad move, wasn't it?"

Ippin nodded and snatched away the blaster Priire had been slowly reaching for. "None of that now. Don't make me turn you into chibi-Aster again."

Priire grumbled and sat back in her chair. "Can't I even shoot just ONE? The one with the afro, maybe?"

Ippin paused thoughtfully. "Hmm... it's tempting but no. Unfortunately he's the one that sings most - it would ruin the performance. Sorry Aster. Umm... here." She reached into her bag and pulled out a set of earplugs. "I was expecting you to try out some of your new explosives. I came prepared."

Priire pouted but took the earplugs. "Just try to keep it down, and let me play with my new toys, okay?"

"Go right ahead. Just don't hurt anyone with them."

After a rousing performance of 'See Ya Later, See Ya Later, See Ya Later' and a few other of their popular songs, N*aboo left, leaving some autographs and a kiss for Ippin from each of them. Riku didn't much enjoy the last part, but he didn't want to make a fool of himself - Priire was quite capable of doing it without his help.

Soon everyone was dancing and enjoying the party - well, Xarae was stuck being DJ, but she still enjoyed herself.

Riku approached Ippin, hiding something behind his back. "Happy birthday, Coru." He held out a small parcel.

The senshi tilted her head to the side and smiled. "What could it be?" She giggled and took the gift. She carried it over to the chairs lining the room and sat down. "Lessee." Opening it revealed...

"N-nani?" Ippin stared in shock at the ring.

Riku knelt in front of her and took her hand. "Fuukou Ippin, will you marry me?"

Ippin stared blankly for a minute, not understanding. Suddenly she threw herself into his arms, crying, "Yes."

A few minutes later, after drying her eyes, Ippin went to the music station, where Priire sat talking to Kousotsu.

The blonde senshi looked up as her twin approached. "Hey Coru. What's the matter?" Her voice darkened. "You've been crying. What happened?"

Ippin shook her head and held out her left hand. "Oh, no... nothing's wrong... but something's REALLY right."

Priire gaped and grabbed her sister's fingers. "A ring. Somehow I gather this isn't just a birthday present?"

Ippin beamed. "Nope. Riku asked me to marry him, Aster! We're engaged!"

Priire was stunned. "Wow. I... I never thought he was really that serious. I guess this means I can't try to kill him anymore... oh well. But, wait, what am I saying? Congratulations, Coru! Wow, I can't believe it!"

Ippin bit her lip to keep from laughing. "Well believe it. I'm getting married! Me, Fuukou Ippin! It's all too perfect - I can hardly believe it myself!"

Kousotsu held out his hand to Ippin and tentatively hugged her. "Congratulations. Does this mean I have to marry Priire now?"

Ippin laughed. "If you do, you'll have my sympathy. I've got experience living with her. It's not pretty."


Ippin and Kousotsu laughed. "Just kidding Aster, just kidding."

Priire got a mischievous look on her face. "Well just for that..."

"Uh oh." Ippin's eyes widened with worry as Priire grinned and went over to Xarae.

Priire grinned and grabbed the microphone, motioning for Xarae to cut the music - which she did quickly.

"Hello everyone. I've got a special announcement to make. Tonight is a very special night, guys - not just because Coru and I have become official adults, but because one of our numbers has just become engaged to be married. And it's NOT me, whatever any of you may be thinking. No, the affianced is none other than my own sister Ippin! Go congratulate her, guys!"

Ippin hid her face in her hands as everyone turned to look at her. "Oh geez... thank you, Aster."

Annika ran over and hugged her. "Congratulations, Ippin! That's GREAT! I can't wait till I get married." She looked significantly at Obi-Wan - who in return looked uncomfortable.

Ippin smiled and rolled her eyes. "Thanks, Annika."

"Well I suppose I should offer my congratulations as well?"

Ippin froze. "Not now... no not now..." She whirled to face Ariel. "Can't you EVER leave us alone?"

"Sorry, that's not in my job description." The Sith laughed evilly. "How silly of you all to come here at once. It makes it so much easier for me."

"Dream on, chica. I am not in the mood to fight you, but I WILL send you to Geri's asteroid."

Ariel paused. "The one that made her go insane?"

"Yeah. That one."

Ariel smirked. "In case you don't remember, I can use a bolthole."

"And I'll send you back. You are NOT ruining my birthday, Ariel!"

Natalie gasped. "Arri?"

Ippin's eyes widened, and she whirled around. "Mama, no! She's not Arrielle!"

Ariel froze, then slowly turned to stare at Ippin. "What did you say?"

Ippin glared. "It's none of your business. You're just a SITH, remember?"

Ariel smiled sweetly and turned to Natalie. "How did you know my name was Arrielle?"

Natalie burst into tears and hugged Ariel. "All my daughters, here at once!"

The senshi gasped. Priire looked on in horror.

Ariel's eyes widened then she smirked and laughed. "How terrible. To think I kill my own nieces."

Ippin clenched her fists and pushed her mother back into the crowd. "What are you talking about?"

"Surely you don't think that Hana Yuushuu has any children of her OWN, do you? Oh you did! Poor naîve little girl. My future self has told me all about the death of your daughters. Didn't your little baby tell you?"

Tanrei pushed her way through the crowd. "You're wrong. Teva and Tavia didn't die! You killed Mum, not them!"

Ippin stared in horror at her daughter. "You mean you have sisters and you didn't tell me?!"

Tanrei pursed her lips and stared back silently.

"Oh right. Of course. Okay Ayameru, you have me MAD now!" Ippin grabbed her henshin necklace and held it in the air. "Yavin Force Make UP!" Nothing happened. "Uh oh... YAVIN FORCE MAKE-UP! Oh sithspit." Ippin stared at her henshin necklace, then at the horrified faces of the other girls. She thought for a moment and reached out with the Force. "YAVIN GUARDIAN POWER MAKE-UP!"

A wave of power swept through the room, and a moment later Sailor Yavin stood in the middle of the room, a dark purple cloak over her fuku, the hood hiding her face. In one lithe motion she removed the cloak and twirled the Dimension Staff. If you looked closely you could see a pair of translucent orange wings on her back. Her fuku was vastly different; the base color was still red, but instead of yellow or orange the bows and trimmings were a strange purple/blue. Her skirt was layered in red, yellow and the almost indigo color of her bows.

"Ayameru... you have disrupted my birthday and the enjoyment of my engagement. I will NOT allow it. I am the true Guardian of Dimension. I control Space and Time; I am Star Sailor Yavin. Leave now, or I will NOT be responsible for my actions!"

Ariel started to sneer a response when the voice of Kougo Ada echoed through the room, commanding her to return. Ariel narrowed her eyes, but nonetheless opened a bolthole and stepped through.

A few hours later, Ippin and Priire sat on the balcony that joined the two rooms.

"So, did you enjoy yourself?"

Ippin pursed her lips.

Priire rolled her eyes. "Okay, dumb question. Besides the Ariel thing did you enjoy yourself?"

Ippin tilted her head to the side for a moment, then nodded. "It was weird, having our parents here. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Ariel. I was still getting over the shock myself. That's what you felt when you were on Ut. When you came in."

Priire nodded slowly. "I'd forgotten about that. I guess... it's okay. It's not really your fault... it's not something that's easy to tell. And having them here WAS very weird."

"What got you to calm down anyway? Chikako said you were yelling at them."

"Uh well..." Priire blushed.

Ippin grinned greedily. "What? What happened?"

"Well, Jillie started crying, and I just felt bad okay?!"

Ippin bit her lip to keep from laughing. "Okay. Okay. By the way, Aster."


"We didn't exchange presents in there."

"Yeah, I know. I wanted to give you yours in private."

"Same here. You go first."

"No, you. Save the best for last and all."

Ippin rolled her eyes and went into her room, returning a moment later with a long box.

Priire grinned as she opened the case. She blinked at what she saw. "Wow."

"I did it myself."

Priire set it down and back off a little. It was a painting of the two girls at night. In the forefront, Priire and Ippin leaned against each other on a balcony; Priire was holding a blue-black mask in her hand, and Ippin held a lightsaber. Behind them etched faintly into the background the Twin Guardians smiled at each other, Asteroid wrapping a wing around Yavin, and Yavin putting her cloak around Asteroid. The entire portrait held a sense of comfort and familiarity.

"I reiterate. Wow."

Ippin blushed and looked away. "It's not that good. There's a blaster in there too."

Priire nodded and tore her eyes away to look through the box. She came up with a leather blaster sheath. She shrugged and removed the weapon. "Eh? What the... what's this made of, Coru?"

Ippin bit her lip. "Black Corusca Gems. They're so rare I had to go myself to get them. It's almost impossible to find them in any color other than orange."

"Wow. Suddenly my present seems inadequate."

"No way. Now what is it?"

Priire shrugged and reached into her pocket. She tosses something small at her twin, who caught it and stared at it quizzically.

"A code?"

"It's the code to open your present."

"Okay... well where is my present, then?"

"Eh, I'll show you in the morning. It's late now."

"OH no you don't, Seijoutai Priire! You are not getting away. Take me to wherever it is. I wanna see it."

Priire rolled her eyes. "Bossy bossy. Okay, okay. First you have to be blindfolded though, or else you'll figure it out. And no fair using the Force either."

Ippin rolled her eyes and nodded. "Okay. Do whatever. Take me to my present!"

"Well, here ya go. You can take it off now."

Ippin reached behind her head and removed the black bandana from her eyes. She blinked to adjust to the light and looked around. "The... hangar bay?" Suddenly her eyes landed on a ship new to the Senshi bay. It wasn't a huge ship, only slightly bigger than the Crystal Mirage wasn't. It had the same mirrored hull that trademarked Ippin's ships but also bore the black flames that Priire's ships all had.

"That's - that's for me?"

Priire grinned. "Yup. Of course, it still needs some work, some fine tuning if you will, but we can do that together, right?"

Ippin nodded slowly. "Did you name it?"

Priire smiled. "The Crystal Fire."

Ippin felt a smile creep across her face. "Perfect."

About the Senshi in this story:

Ippin/Coru/Sailor Yavin
Yukiko/Sailor Hoth
Kairiku/Sailor Chibi Naboo
Priire/Aster/Sailor Asteroid
Sutaru/Sailor Corellia
Kleppa/Sailor Chibi Ayameru
Ariel/Sailor Sith Ayameru
Kendra/Kougo Ada
Xarae/Sailor Iridonia
Tashita/Sailor Eclipse
Tanrei/Sailor Chibi Yavin
Aisu/Sailor Chibi Hoth
Tejina/Sailor Chibi Omwat
Nom/Sailor Dathomir
Annika/Sailor Bakura
Mara/Sailor Vjun
Lys/Sailor Chibi Bakura
Ben/Coruscant Knight
Boshi/Sailor Shooting Star
Chikako/Sailor Myrkr
Melesse/Sailor Chibi Mimban
Kiri/Sailor Talasea
Kousotsu/Tuxedo Jedi
Geri/Sailor Sith Iyagaru

